the blood glucose concentration is monitroed and controlled by the pancreas
what happens when the blood glucose gets too high?
the pancreas produce the hormone insulin that causes glucose to move from the blood into the cells. in thre liver and muscles cells excess glucose is converted to glyceon for storage
what two things control blood glucose level?
what happens when blood glucose level is too low?
glucagon is secreted by the pancreas
type 1 diabetes
a disorder in which the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin. it is characterised by uncontrolled high blood glucose levels
how is type 1 diabetes treated
treated with insulin injections > doesn’t cure it
type 2 diabetes
the body cells no longer respond to insulin produced by the pancreas. they become resistant to their own insulin - body cells dont respond to the hormone properly. this can cause a persons blood sugar level to rise to a dangerous level
what can caused type 2 diabetes
obesity increases your chance of getting type 2 diabetes
how can type 2 diabetes be controlled?
eating a carbohydrate-controlled diet and getting regular exercise
sugar molecule
what glucose is stored as
the hormone which signals the liver to convert glycogen to glucose