R5 Stalinism, politics and control

Cards (24)

  • Machinery of State Terror
    Emerged under Lenin, Cheka created Dec 1917, OGPU 1922-1934
    1929 Trotsky exiled, Bukharin fired from Politburo
    Gulags and show trials
    Shakhty Trial 1928, managers accused of counter revolutionary activity forced to confess, 5 killed
    Industrial Party trial Nov 1930, industrialists, Mensheviks, SRs accused of sabotage
    Metro-Vickers trial 1933, British specialists found guilty of wrecking

    Ryutin opposed collectivisation after 1FYP, fired 1930, published Ryutin Platform March 1932, Kirov overruled his execution but he was imprisoned and then killed in Jan 1937
    Zinoviev, Kamenev and 14 other communists expelled
  • Genrikh Yagoda
    Became head of NKVD in 1934
    Prepared first major show trial in 1936 of Kamenev and Zinoviev
    Replaced by Yezhov in 1936, put on show trial in 1937 accused of Trotskyism, executed
  • Nikolay Yezhov
    Elected to CC in 1934, took over NKVD in September 1936
    Loyal to Stalin, was his "little blackberry"
    1937-1938 did the Yezhovshchina, 75% of the government and military purged
    Fell out of favour with Stalin in 1938, killed in February 1940
  • Lavrentiy Beria
    Became head of NKVD in August 1938, rumour that he personally strangled Yezhov to death
    Oversaw the 1939 Katyn Massacre
    Expanded gulag system
  • Kirov's Murder
    17th Party Congress in 1934, a split formed between the Politburo over pace of industrialisation, Kirov was very against grain seizures, got a long applause
    Kirov, Zhdanov, Kaganovich and Stalin become Secretaries of Equal Rank
    Kirov was murdered in December 1934 by a party member who suspected him of having an affair with his wife. Stalin claimed there was a Trotskyist plot and the killer implied the NKVD knew, Kirov's bodyguard and some NKVDs were killed in car crash - Very sketchy
    A day after, Yagoda was given powers to arrest and kill anyone guilty of terrorist plotting, over a hundred party members were killed, thousands more imprisoned
    June 1935 death penalty extended to "counter revolutionaries"
  • Stalinism and the Church
    Marx described religion as "the opium of the people", Lenin allowed freedom of worship but restricted the Church's earthly power
    Under Stalin, teaching of religion in school was forbidden, churches destroyed, pilgrimages to Mecca and wearing of veils banned 1935
    1936 constitution criminalised religious propaganda but gave priests the right to vote since 1918, many priests purged
    By 1941, 40,000 churches and 25,000 mosques closed and turned into schools, cinemas, stuff
    Religion stayed strong, 1937 census found that 500,000 were still religious
  • Stalinism and Women
    Lenin had promised a new liberation for women, involved more women in workforce, abortion legalised in 1929
    Stalin concerned with falling population and juvenile crime, begins the Great Retreat
    Women were expected to be more traditional, big strong workers were now more feminine
    June 1936 - Abortion illegal, divorce and contraception harder to get, mothers got tax exemptions for having more children, child support at 60% of income, cheaters shamed in the news, decrees against prostitution and homosexuality
    Prostitution, divorce, abortion and depopulation continued
  • Stalinism and Education
    1920s had free education with no exams, very high drop out rate
    Stalin needed new skilled workers, CC changed education in the 1930s
    Old quota brought in lots of working class children, this was banned in favour of selection for all, military training before the war, practical work for FYPs for the less able
    Teachers watched by NKVD, could be arrested if students failed
    By 1941, almost all of Russia was literate, a literate could be brainwashed easier
    USSR became known for its science graduate
  • Stalinism and Youth Organisations
    1926 - Komsomol started for 10-28 years olds, becomes closely affiliated with party in 1939, formed shock brigades and helped build Magnitogorsk and Komsomolsk
    Some young people were more interested in western culture like cinema, fashion and jazz
  • Stalinism and working men
    Purges meant there was more room at the top
    Wage differentials from 1931, skilled workers were paid more but this changed back from 1940-41 as war approached
    Stakhanovite movement
    Unskilled workers moved around to avoid a bad work record
    Little privacy, lots of crime and a minor misdemeanour could get you purged
    Coming from a former bourgeois family could get you purged
  • Urban and Rural Differences
    More control over the countryside than before, more propaganda because of rise in literacy
    Basic certainties of rural life like religion, tradition and cooperation were questioned, people moved into the cities
    Collectivisation was accepted in the 1930s, peasants now had tractors and villages had schools and clinics
    Peasants viewed as inferior
    Great Famine of 1932-33 brought refugees and shortages to cities
    No privacy in kommunalka, some lived in their factories and landlords spied on tenants, party members had privacy
    Many cities had no sewage or street lights, high crime rates, black markets
    1937 - some private trade allowed to try resolve shortages
    Things overall better in cities but everything sucked by 1941
  • Socialist Man and Woman
    The party wanted to create a new type of citizen, one who was well educated and intelligent but incapable of independent thought and susceptible to propaganda
    No private life, no religion, would celebrate things like Stalin's birthday
    Scientist Trofim Lysenko claimed that if someone acquires the right traits, they would be passed on to the next generation, anyone who opposed him was purged
  • Impact of Cultural Change

    Komsomol led the attack on bourgeoisie values, spread proletarian culture and joined shock brigades
    Leading soviet artists were not popular outside of USSR
    Many were silent or were silenced, some were sent to work in industry and agriculture to punish them and expose them to true Soviet values
    Mid 1930s - attack on the avant garde, Shostakovich's "Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk District" was called "chaos instead of music" in Pravda, Shostakovich avoided arrest but his composer was arrested and a director who defended him was tortured and shot and his wife was stabbed to death
    Russians loved the cinema but preferred Classical Hollywood to Soviet Propaganda about like building factories and stuff
  • Similarities and differences between Lenin's and Stalin's USSR
    Lenin had a better reputation than Stalin in the long run but Stalin had more of an impact
    Some believe Lenin's excesses like the Red Terror were a response to a desperate situation, Stalin's excesses are much less excusable
    Stalin relied on a system of terror that was established by Lenin
    Stalin brought Russia into an international situation in the 1930s that Lenin could not have foreseen, fused Russian Nationalism with Soviet Socialism
    Lenin debated policy with the Politburo, Stalin controlled everything
    Old Bolsheviks were purged, new generation owed everything to Stalin
    Stalin fully collectivised agriculture
  • Show trials
    Foreign journalists invited to staged trials to prove Stalin was facing enemies of the state
    Confessions were pressured by torture and threats
    April 1935 - children over 12 can be tried as adults
  • Trial of the Sixteen
    19-24 August 1936
    They had already been tried in secret in 1935, Stalin accused them and 14 others of Trotskyism and tried them again for propaganda purpose
    All were sentenced for death, Yagoda was also replaced by Yezhov in September for not uncovering the conspiracy quick enough
  • Trial of the Twenty-One
    March 1938
    Included Bukharin, Rykov and Yagoda
    Charged with killing Kirov, plotting to kill Lenin and Stalin, sabotaging mines and spying for foreign intelligence agencies
    18 of them were killed, Bukharin was executed last and was forced to watch the other ones be killed first
  • The Stalin Constitution
    Declared that socialism had been achieved, communism was next
    The most democratic constitution in the world according to Stalin
    Promised autonomy to the republics and voting for all citizens over 18 including former people
    Statement of civil rights
    Was probably made to impress foreigners because literally none of the promises were kept
  • Mass Terror and Repression at Local Levels
    July 1937 - NKVD Order 00447, small NKVD local groups hunted kulaks and other anti soviet elements by a system of quotas
    Some groups had their quotas increased so they could arrest or kill more people, within a month there were 100,000 arrests and 14,000 people sent to gulags. By autumn 1937, NKVD arrested random people to meet quotas
    Neighbours were encouraged to turn people in , gypsies and former rivals of the party were targeted
  • Mass Terror and Repression at a Central Level
    Trial of 17 January 1937 - 17 prominent communists accused of plotting with Trotsky, 13 were killed
    Military purge May-June 1937 - Stalin feared a military coup and purged the military , 50% of all officers were executed or imprisoned
    Not great considering WWII was on the way
    Trial of the 21 March 1938 - Bukharin and Rykov killed
    Purges allowed party members to settle old scores or make space for a promotion
    A third of all party members had been purged by the end of 1938
  • Gulags
    Built from the 1930s to provide cheap labour for Stalin's industrial projects
    Huge surge in inmate numbers, 800k in 1935, 5.5-9.5 million by 1939
    Terrible conditions, forced labour, many were worked to death
  • Treatment of National Minorities
    Collectivisation was devastating for the republics
    Russian was made compulsory everywhere
    Wave of deportations from 1937
    Revival of antisemitism, many rabbis arrested
    Persecution of Muslims in central Asian Republics after 1928
  • End of the Purges and the Death of Trotsky
    Yezhovshchina slowed down after 1938 when it threatened to destabilise the country
    Stalin used Yezhov as a scapegoat, he was arrested tortured, tried in secret and shot to death in Feb 1940, then replaced by Beria
    Aug 1940 Spanish Communist Ramon Mercader pretended to be a fan of Trotsky's, got into his house and plunged an ice pick into his skull. Mercader was imprisoned for 20 years but his mum got an Order of Lenin award
  • Responsibility for Terror and Purges
    Stalin started and ended the purge and was never a stranger to violence, he used to rob banks to fund the Bolsheviks
    The suicide of his wife in 1932 may have made him more unhinged and paranoid
    He was obsessed with eliminating rivals and Old Bolsheviks
    Terror was an integral part of Russian regimes
    Terror was needed to provide slave labour and remove kulaks
    Over zealous local officials
    Fear fed on fear, terror was self escalating