Working memory model

    Cards (5)

    • WMM
      Working Memory Model
    • Central executive
      • Controls the WMM
      • All information passes to the Central Executive (CE) which then decides which component should process it
      • The components can only communicate with each other via the CE: they cannot 'talk' to each other
      • The CE is modality free: this means it can process information from any of the 5 senses (auditory, visual etc.)
      • May be involved in highly complex tasks such as playing chess
    • Phonological loop
      • Holds information in the form of speech/sound
      • There are two parts: the phonological store/inner ear which deals with speech perception and the articulatory control process/ inner voice which processes speech production and rehearses verbal information
      • The easiest of the slave systems to test
    • Visuo-spatial sketchpad/scratchpad
      • Concerned with visual and spatial information which it organises into separate components
      • There are two parts: the inner scribe which deals with spatial information and the visual cache which stores information about form, shape and colour
    • Episodic buffer
      • A temporary storage device used to integrate information from the VSS and PL
      • Ensures that all the information from the slave systems links together and forms a cohesive whole which makes sense
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