Origin of the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere.

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  • ATMOSPHERE • Gaseous layer that surrounds the Earth.
  • Mixture of gases that compose the atmosphere is known as Air
  • Early atmosphere was formed by the release of gases: Methane, ammonia, water vapor and neon • 10x to 200x more carbon dioxide
  • Unicellular organisms helped provide oxygen in the atmosphere
    Permanent: Nitrogen (N2) • Oxygen (O2) • Argon (Ar)
    Change: Water vapor (H2O) •Carbon dioxide (CO2) •Methane (CH4) •Ozone (O3) •and other trace gases
  • solid particles - Aerosols • Salt, Sand, Smoke, Ash
  • Water vapor and Aerosols are responsible for most atmospheric phenomena
  • Majority of air is concentrated near the surface. • As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense
  • Karman line - the point at which the atmosphere and the space become one.
  • Atmosphere Main Functions:
    •Generates necessary pressure for liquid water to exist.
    •Absorbs significant amount of UV radiation
    •Averages temperature differences between day and night
  • Seasons exist because:
    • Variations in the length of daylight
    • Variations in the angle of the suns rays
    • Variation of atmosphere’s thickness being traversed by suns ray
  • Greenhouse effect - Maintains a suitable temperature for life. • Without it, the Earth would reflect all heat back into space.
  • Carbon cycle - The movement of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. Nature’s way of recycling carbon atoms. • Chemical backbone of Life.
  • HYDROSPHERE - Includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air.
  • Water came from meteorites or comets. • Chemical reactions in the Earth’s interior.
  • Early hydrosphere formed from volcanic activity.
  • 71% of Earth’s surface is covered in waterOceans hold about 96.5% of all Earth’s water
  • 71% of Earth’s surface is covered in waterOceans hold about 96.5% of all Earth’s water
  • RainwaterRainwater is not pure. • dissolved gasses and salts, particulate matter, bacteria • from oceans, soils, fertilizers, air pollutants
  • Groundwater - Water that exists underground
    Aquifer - the rock where groundwater flows or is pumped out of
  • Rivers and Ocean water - Salinity - dissolved salt content of a body of water
    Sea water contains about 3.5% dissolved salts
    River water contains only 0.012% dissolved salts
  • 6 abundant ions in in seawater
    Chloride (55%)
    Sodium (31%)
    Sulfate (8%)
    Magnesium (4%)
    Calcium (1.2%)
    Potassium (1.1%)
  • Ocean surface-water temperatures vary from -2 degrees Celsius to 36 degrees Celsius • temperature decreases and salinity increases with depth
  • Density is affected by: • temperature, salinity, and pressure
  • Water weathers rocks.
  • In general, the composition of river water and lakes depends on the surrounding rocks.
    1. Change in the Ions present in the water
    2. Mobility of different elements
    3. Groundwater may be affected
  • Mine Tailings - Physical and chemical separation of metal from the ore.
  • Gold mine tailings have an effect on health, agriculture, and environment: Cancer in children and adults
  • Kaliwa Dam: Illegal and immoral • Building a dam requires flooding the area
  • Dams can… • Affect migration • Alter habitat • Affect water quality