Sci 10 - Geology

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  • The geosphere is the Earth itself
  • Early earth started as a dust ball from nebular gas and dust brought together by accretion.
  • Segregation by density (Differentiation) • Allowed heavy metals to sink while lighter materials “floated”
  • Accretion • the process in which dust clump together by static electricity to form larger and larger objects with the aid of self-gravity.
  • Earth is dominantly composed of 4 major elements: Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron
  • Earth is the only planet with water on its surface
  • Earth is 4.54 billion years old
  • The organization of the Earth’s layers: Less dense material rose and heavier material sank
  • Core -> Iron
    Crust -> Basaltic or Granitic
  • Crust - Outermost and thinnest layer
    • Continental (Granitic)
    • Oceanic (Basaltic)
  • Mantle - Mainly composed of Peridotite
  • Outer Core - Only liquid layer
  • Inner Core - Solid sphere
  • CONTINENTAL DRIFT THEORY - Alfred L. Wegener, Suggests that all the continents were joined into a single landmass. “Pangaea” (all land) and “Panthalassa”
  • Jigsaw Fit of Continents - Coastlines of some continents fit together like a puzzle
  • Spread of Index Fossils - Some fossils were observed in continents separated by vast oceans.
  • Similar Lithologies across continents - “Lithologies” -> rock types - Rocks and geologic structures in one continent match rocks found in the matching continent.
  • Paleoclimate - Materials observed in today’s glaciers were found in areas with warmer climates. - Tropical fossils were observed in frozen regions.
  • SEA FLOOR SPREADING - Harry Hammond Hess, - Idea that oceanic crust is formed along mid-ocean ridges
  • PALEOMAGNETISM - Remnant Magnetism. • Rocks with magnetic minerals such as magnetite (Fe3O4)
  • PALEOMAGNETISM - At temperatures below Curie Temperature, they align themselves to the current magnetic field. At temperatures above Curie Temperature, they are randomly oriented
  • PLATE TECTONICS - Explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth’s subterranean processes. Dynamics of the Earth’s outer shell.
  • Divergent Boundary - Oceanic ridges and Rift zones • Materials erupted are always basaltic (rich in Si and Mg).
  • Convergent Boundary • Trenches, volcanoes, mountains form. •
    Subduction – when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate and slides beneath it
  • Oceanic/Continental - Oceanic subducts beneath continental plateVolcanic arc
  • Oceanic/OceanicOlder plate will subduct the younger plate • Island arc
  • Continental/Continental • Neither subducts the other • Mountains
  • Transform Fault • Two tectonic plates move past one another. • Changes the face of the landform.
  • ATMOSPHERE - Historically, volcanoes are responsible for the climate. Today they can still have significant effects through volcanism
  • HYDROSPHERE - Water cycle
    •Atmosphere allows water to evaporate and form clouds.
    •Precipitation flows into rivers and oceans, seep into the ground or be taken up by plants.
  • BIOSPHERE - Geosphere affects the soil types present in an area
    • Different plants and animals
  • ENERGY - Geothermal Energy
  • Philippines sits on a complex network of tectonic plate boundaries