Contemporary Issues

Cards (5)

  • Waste disposal - Radioactive waste (medicine, industries, and research)
  • Urban Sprawl - Rapid expansion of the extents of cities and towns. • Usually due to low density housing (ie. small residential homes)
  • War over water - Water is a very valuable and scarce resource
  • Sustainable Development Goals: 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all
  • Sustainable Development Goals
    1. No poverty
    2. Zero hunger
    3. Good health and well-being
    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender equality
    6. Clean water and sanitation
    7. Affordable and clean energy
    8. Decent work and economic growth
    9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    10. Reduced inequalities
    11. Sustainable cities and economies
    12. Responsible consumption and production
    13. Climate action
    14. Life below water
    15. Life on land
    16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
    17. Partnership for the goals