criminals: under class, ethnic minorities, young, men
victims: missing white woman syndrome, selective reporting
police: corrupt, brutality, racists, incompetent
news values
the immediacy of the story
higher status of the focus of the story
novelty / unexpectedness
media distortion of crime
media distortion of crime
media reporting of crime as increasingly driven by the need for a spectacle - dramatisation
spectacles are engaging because audiences become both repelled by the activities but fascinated at the same time
media distortion of crime
media coverage of crime is increasingly a mixture of entertainment and sensationalism
leading to 'infotainment'
media distortion of crime
law of opposites - media shows the direct opposite of official statistics
media focuses on murders and violent crimes when most crimes are property based crimes
media shows victims to be more likely to be female - statistics show young men are more likely to be victim
perspectives on media influence and crime
reporting crime - media helps to keep social solidarity
crimes reported tend to reflect the things people are most concerned about and most want to see reported - create demand which is met by the media
different forms of media report different crimes in different ways - not all dominated by a single ideology or small group of owners pushing same agenda
perspectives on media influence and crime
reporting of crime reflects the ideology of the ruling class
crimes of the ruling class - under-reported
media's emphasis on sexual and violent crimes means lessimportance is attached to large and serious white-collar crimes and corporate crime
crimes of working class - over-reported
reporting of crime is used as a way of maintaining control over powerless groups
perspectives on media influence and crime
crime reporting reinforces the stereotyping and oppression of women
women = victims
under-reporting of violence against women - domestic violence
highly critical of reporting of sex crimes against women as a way to provide entertainment
perspectives on media influence and crime
media is a socialconstruction as is crime
look at the labels attached to people who are determined to be deviant and see the media as a moralentrepreneur which determines who are deviant and who are not
perspectives on media influence and crime
BAUDRILLARD - media creates reality - people have no understanding of crime only the representations of crime they experience through the massmedia
media as a cause of crime:
that media audiences are passive recipients of the messages from the media without critical thought - messages are acted upon mindlessly by audiences
school of crime
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
the idea people will act out the crimes and the violence that they view via the media
college student who acted out scenes from GTA
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
School of crime
watching crime shows and news can help criminals to hone their skills and learn how to be less detectable in their crime
shows them how to commit crime
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
increased adrenaline and endorphins lead to people engaging in risky and criminal behaviour
increase in traffic crimes on opening weekends of the Fast and Furious films
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
watching violence in the media can lead to the lowering of peoples level of shock value - no longer horrified by it and can be more likely to commit the act themselves
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
links to left realism and strain theory
the idea media provides unobtainable ideas of lifestyles of the rich and famous which can lead to people committing crime to achieve these lifestyles
Made in Chelsea
media as a cause of crime: THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE MODEL =
Tv shows - Sopranos and Marcos
provide a glamorised view of the criminal lifestyle which can lead to people wanting to emulate it and be involve d
missing white woman syndrome
that the type of victim that is likely to make the news cycle or the media is a
white middle class woman as she will fit the stereotype of what they want a
victim to be.
moral panic
an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society.
fear of crime cycle - media
A) fear
B) victim
C) time
D) consume
E) generates
F) fear
moral panic cycle -
A) media
B) attention
C) agencies
D) amplified
E) esaggeration
F) symbolisation
G) redefined
examples of moral panics
HIV and AIDS1980
Satanic child abuse 1980
knife crime (current)
AO3 Moral panic theory - MCROBBIE AND THORNTON
frequency - increase so no longer noteworthy
context - moral panics would scapegoat a group 'folkdevils' - now there are too many viewpoints
reflectivity - concept well-known - create one for own benefit
difficulty - less certainty about what is unambiguously'bad' so harder to start
Rebound - more wary about moral panics - possibility of it rebounding on them