a action or behaviour that goes against the legalisation of a particular country state
actions which go against the norms and values of a society. These may not be against the law but are frowned upon by most in society
social construction
a social phenomena which is not naturally occurring but created by the society in which it is found
ways crime and deviance is socially constructed:
ways crime and deviance is socially constructed:
criminal action and deviant behaviour changes over time. What was once acceptable may become illegal/deviant and what was once deviant/illegal may become acceptable
Homosexuality - deviant and illegal -> acceptable
ways crime and deviance is socially constructed:
behaviours that are acceptable in certain situations would not be in others
Bikini on the beach Vs bikini in centre of town
ways crime and deviance is socially constructed:
what is considered acceptable or rude varies depending on the culture you are in
Arabnations - eating with your left hand is rude
ways crime and deviance is socially constructed:
some behaviours are acceptable from certain age groups and some activities are illegal for some age groups