looking at the wider definitions of crime such as the harm that the crime cause not just breaking of state laws
harm to the environment from the perspective of humanity
Pollution = damages human watersupply or cause diseases that are expensive to overcome
climate change = impact on people and the economic cost of dealing with it
harm to any aspect of the environment as harm to all of it
Animal cruelty or the destruction of habitats
Globalisation links to green crime because environmental crimes are global crimes and a crime in one geographical location can have knock-on effects across the planet
Green crime is hard to police because..
an act can be done in one geographical location and not be considered a crime but have an affect on another geographical area where the act is a crime
it can be difficult to identify who is to blame for the crime
definitions of green crime
traditional criminology
transgressive criminology
global and manufactured risk
definitions of green crime - traditional criminology
SITU AND EMMONS - "an unauthorised act or omission that violates the law or state or nation" in a similar way to other crimes traditional criminology looks at patterns and causes of law-breaking
would not consider global warming or acid rain as crime - don't break laws
definitions of green crime - transgressive criminology
looks more at the harm that certain acts cause in order to determine criminality
WHITE - green crime is any action that harms the physical environment and or human/non-human animals within it even if no law has been broken
definitions of green crime - global and manufactured risk
BECK - in today's society we can now provide resources for all in the developing world and yet the massive increase in technology creates new manufactured risks which cause harm to the environment and have consequences for humans
greenhousegasses caused by manufacturing - global warming which is global in nature
types of green crime - SOUTH
primary green crime
secondary green crime
types of green crime - SOUTH
Primary green crime
crime that are the direct result of the destruction and degradation of the earths resources
Airpollution, deforestation, species decline, animal abuse, waterpollution
types of green crime - SOUTH
secondary green crime
crime that result out of the flouting of rules aimed at preventing or regulationenvironmental disasters
state violence against environmental groups, hazardous waste and organised crime, environmentaldiscrimination
victims of green crime - WOLF
those in the developing world, poor and ethnic minorities are more likely to be victims of environmental crimes due to inability to move from the areas where toxicdumping takes place
perpetrators of green crime - WOLF
organised crime
perpetrators of green crime - WOLF
have a cumulative effect on the environment, their acts may not have immediateimpact but soon add up
perpetrators of green crime - WOLF
environmental crime is a typical form of corporate crime, large corporations are responsible for the majority or the water, air and land pollution due to waste dumping and health and safety breaches
perpetrators of green crime - WOLF
SANTANA - the military are the biggest institutionalpolluter through unexploded bombs and lasting effects of toxicchemicals
perpetrators of green crime - WOLF
organised crimes
longstanding relationship with green crime often in collusion with governments and industry through contracts for wastedisposal
green crime AO3
it is very difficult to study green crime as there is not an agreed definition
it is also difficult to assess the impact of green crime as it can be a long-term impact
based on case studies
green crime can be accompanies by greatervalue judgements due to lack of agreed definitions