crime control and prevention

Cards (8)

  • left realist view of crime
    • crime is caused by social factors such as marginalisation, relative deprivation and subcultures
    • relative deprivation is where people feel deprived compared other in society - become marginalised within society and form subcultures which have deviant or criminal goals
  • right realist view of crime
    • more individualistic
    • they feel that crime is a rational choice and that criminals can commit crimes because the benefit outweighs the cost of being caught
    • too many opportunities to commit crime
    • MURRAY - argues that the rise in single-parent families and teen parents has led to a lack of socialisation into appropriate values which leads to youth delinquency
  • Crime Control and prevention - Situational crime prevention
    • pre-emptive approach that aims to make it harder to commit crime in the first place by designing out crime
    • target hardening = bars and bolts on windows, alarm systems, anti-homelessness sleepers (hostile architecture)
    • more CCTV, more police on the streets
    • PEASE - bars, bolts and barriers
  • Crime control and prevention - situational crime prevention AO3
    • displacement theory - doesn't reduce crime but moves it to a different area
    • doesn't deal with corporate or white collar crime
    • unfairly targets the working class who can't afford the target gardening systems
  • Crime control and prevention - environmental crime prevention
    • by improving the local area and dealing with low level criminal activity
    • vandalism, graffiti and loitering
    • Zero tolerance policing - sweat the small stuff and deal with small pretty crimes which will prevent the movement into more serious crimes
    • WILSON AND KELLING - broken window policy
  • crime control and prevention - environmental crime prevention - AO3
    • deals with the symptom, not the cause
    • targets working-class people and street crimes rather than corporate or white collar crime
    • displacement theory
  • Crime control and prevention - social and community crime prevention
    • left realist approach
    • that by dealing with the social inequalities that lead to crime then it will reduce the crime rate
    • they believe that it is social inequality that is the biggest cause of crime
    • youth groups and community centre - sense of community
    • parenting groups to help with socialisation
    • increasing community police officers - improve community relations with the police which will help cries to be solved
  • crime control and prevention - social and community crime prevention
    • assumes a value consensus within a community and ignores issues such as relative deprivation and institutional racism
    • limits effectiveness of community and social policies
    • doesn't deal with corporate or white-collar crime