Church Opposition

Subdecks (2)

Cards (11)

  • The event of support for the Nazi regime differed between groups and individuals. Although Hitler tried to supress opposition
    from the churches, there were still Catholic priests and Protestant ministers and pastors who preached against Nazi policies.
  • Niemöller voted for them in the
    1924 and 1933 elections as he
    felt the Weimar Republic needed a
    strong leader.
    • He didn’t oppose Nazi restrictions
    on Jews.
    • He wanted to be let out of prison
    to fi ght on the side of the Nazis in
    the Second World War.
  • Against Nazis
    • He didn’t like Nazi interference in
    the Protestant Church.
    • He opposed the Nazi restrictions
    on Jews becoming Christians.
    • He set up the Confessional Church
    in 1934.
  • Very against Nazis
    Niemöller was arrested many times
    for speaking out against the Nazis
    and Hitler between 1934 and 1937.
    • He was sent to a concentration camp
    in 1938 where he stayed until 1945.