
Cards (9)

  • Syllable
    A group of sounds that are pronounced together, one or more speech sounds forming a single uninterrupted unit of utterance which may be a commonly recognized subdivision of a word or the whole of the word
  • Syllable
    • Articulatorily, it is the minimal articulatory unit of the utterance
    • Auditorily, it is the smallest unit of perception: the listener identifies the whole of the syllable and after that the sounds which it contains
    • Phonologically, it is a structural unit which consists of a sequence of one or some phonemes of a language in numbers and arrangements permitted by the given language
  • Functions of a syllable
    1. Constitutive function: syllables constitute words through the combination of their stress-loudness, duration-length, pitch-tone
    2. Distinctive function: the difference in the place of a syllabic boundary differentiates the meanings of the words and phrases
    3. Identificatory function: the listener can understand the exact meaning of the utterance only when the correct syllabic boundary is perceived
  • Types of syllables in English by placement of vowels
    • Open: the Vowel is at the end, such a Syllable is articulated with the opening of the mouth by the end
    • Closed: which end in Consonant, at the end of such a Syllable the mouth is closed
  • Types of syllables in English by placement of consonants
    • Covered at the beginning: the Consonant is at the beginning of the syllable
    • Covered at the end: the Consonant is at the end of a Syllable
  • Syllable structure in terms of C and V (canonical forms)

    • Fully open: V
    • Fully closed (V between C): CVC, CCVC, CVCC, CCCVCC, CVCCC, CVCCCC
    • Covered at the beginning: CV, CCV, CCCV
    • Covered at the end (one C or more complete the syllable): VC, VCC, VCCC
  • Classification of syllables by position in the word
    • From the beginning: INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL
  • Classification of syllables by position in relation to stress
    • TONIC
    • ATONIC
  • Syllables in English
    • Structurally, the commonest types are VC and CVC
    • CV is considered to be the universal structure
    • The characteristic feature of English is monosyllabism: it contains between four and five thousand monosyllabic words
    • The limit for the number of syllables in a word in English is 8