STM 007: Gen Bio 1ST AT

Subdecks (2)

Cards (187)

  • Biology - Study of life, living organisms, their origins, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behavior, and distribution.
  • Bios - Meaning of Life
  • Logos - Meaning of Study
  • Living things - May be distinguished from non-living in their ability to carry on life processes.
  • Divine Creation, Abiogenesis, Biogenesis, Catastrophism, Cosmozoic, Eternity of Life - 6 Major Theories about Origin of Life
  • Theory - It is about facts and does not only explain facts, can be tested either true or false.
  • Divine Creation Theory - Life on earth is created by a supernatural power, the God.
    -All living organisms are created on the same day.
    -Religious Beliefs
    -Objection to the theory of special creation.
  • Theory of Evolution - Charles Darwin: Objection to Divine Creation
  • Abiogenesis Theory - Assumes that non-living things material manner gives rises to life.
    -Fly larva develop on rotter meat.
    -Frogs, snakes, and crocodiles formed by mud.
  • Biogenesis Theory - Theory of living things-can only come from other living things or pre-existing living things.
  • Biotic - Living Things
  • Abiotic - Non-Living Things
  • Theory of Catastrophism - Developed by Georges Cuvier - assumes that life originated by creation and is followed by catastrophe due to geological disturbances.
  • Theory of Eternity of Life- Life has no beginning nor end. Life has always existed or it is continous.
    -Also known as Steady State Theory
  • Atom - Smallest scale, fundamental unit of matter.
  • Molecules - Formed when atoms are combined.
  • Molecules - Chemical structure consisting of 2 or more atoms. Can actually form organelles.
  • Organelle - Structure that has specific function within the cell.
  • Cell - Building blocks of all organisms. Structural and functional unit of life.
  • Robert Hooke - First biologist who discovered Cells.
  • Prokaryotic - Single-celled organisms that do not have membrane-bound organelles/
  • Eukaryotic - Animals such as humans, plants, and some fungi.
  • Tissue - Combination of cells, group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function.
  • Organ - Layer of tissues working together (performing a common function)
    -Kidneys, Lungs, Heart, Liver, and Brain
  • Organ System - Group of organs that work together. Higher level of organization.
  • Organisms - Living individual entities; living things.
    -Animals and Humans
  • Populations - Organisms with specific living together within specific area.
  • Community - Different species that live in the same specific area. Different living things that lives together.
  • Ecosystem - Group of organisms having interaction or interrelationship with non living things.
  • Biosphere - Highest level of organization represents the zone of life. Global sum of life.
  • Cell Biology - Study of Cell
  • Prokaryotes - No Nucleus
  • Eukaryotes - It has nucleus, good nucleus.
    -Fungi, Animals, Plants.
  • Hans and Zacharias Janssen - Invented the first so-called compund microscope. Put lens at the top and bottom of a tube and looked through it, magnified 3x to 10x.
  • Rober Hooke - Used microscope to examine a thin slice of cork. Published Micrographia.
  • Many Little Boxes - Robert Called the thin slices of cork as ____
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - Master microscope maker, enabling to magnify an obect aroung 200x to 300x to its original size.
  • Animalcules - Anton Van Leeuwenhoek called the tiny creatures as ____
  • Mattias Schleiden - Development of all vegetables tissues, cells were seeded by the nucleus. Basic unit of plant structure.
  • Theodore Schwann - Believed that cell is the basic unit of animal structure.