crime control and the CJS

Cards (13)

  • formal institutions of social control
    the police and the criminal justice system
  • informal social control
    the ways in which society pressures an individual to behave in a socially acceptable manor
  • Althusser - marxist perspective of social control
    argued that the bourgeoise maintained control of the proletariat via the repressive and ideological state apparatus
  • policing
    sociologists view the police as agents of social control
  • conflict policing
    marxist perspective that views the police not as a part of the community but as a hostile outside force
    this perspective argues that the police are working directly in the interests of the ruling class
  • consensus policing
    functionalists see the police as coming from and working on the behalf of the community
    left realists argue that this isn't the reality of policing but it is a desirable model
  • police discretion
    the idea that police have some leeway as to when and how seriously they will enforce the law
  • Reiner identified three police discretions
    structural discretion
    cultural discretion
    individual discretion
  • individual discretion
    individual police officers will use their personal discretion and this can be discriminating
  • cultural discretion
    the canteen culture of the police has impacted on discretion, meaning that they are more likely to be suspicious of certain social groups
  • structural discretion
    marxist version where the police directly represent the interests of the bourgeoise and enforce law in their interests
  • criminal justice system
    collective term for a wide range of institutions and systems that exist to prevent, detect and prosecute crime
  • the crown court
    where more serious crimes are tried
    formal court with judge and jury