within the body, if there is a change in the level of a variable of the external or internal environment (a stimulus), that change is often detected by a cell or organ (receptor). the receptor communicates via a control centre with another organ or cell (an effector) which produces a response.
Regulation of body temperature - 2 types
Homeothermy - the regulation of bodytemperature through homeostatic mechanisms. homeotherms
Poikilothermy - the regulation of bodytemperatures through structuraladaption and behavioursalone. without physiology.poikilotherms
Regulation of body temperature - Reducing body temperature
vasodilation of arterioles near the skin surface and extremities.
arrectorpilimusclesrelax (pilorelaxation)
decrease the secretion of thyroxin to reduce metabolicrate
increasing SA:V, so moreheat is lost through radiation (stretching body out)
Sweating reducesinternalbodytemperature by secretingwater onto the surface of the skin. This water is evaporated and takes heatenergy with it as it is converted from a liquid to a gas.
Endothermic vs Exothermic
Endotherms (homeotherms) use internally generated heat to maintain body temperature. Their body temperature tends to stay steady regardless of the environment.
Ectotherms (poikilotherms) depend mainly on external heat sources, and their body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment.
Regulation of body temperatures - Increasing body temperature
shivering of skeletal muscles, other muscular activity
vasoconstriction of bloodvessels near the skin surface and extremities (decrease heat lost due to radiation)
contraction of arrectorpili muscles in the skin (traps a layer of warmair around the body - insulation)
eating more → increases metabolic rate → convert chemical energy to heat
increased secretion of thyroxine (stimulates thyroid which is in charge of the metabolicrate)
Thermoregulation Increase in temp: Stimulus-response model
Stimulus (increase in bodytemp)
Receptor ( thermoreceptors in skin or hypothalamus)
Glucose plays many key roles and mustbemaintained within a narrow range for the body to function correctly. Maintains constant blood glucose levels by releasing insulin to lower blood glucose levels and glucagon to increase blood sugar levels.
average is 4-5.9 mmol/L
Regulating Blood glucose levels - Islets of Langerhans
The islets of Langerhans are endocrine tissue in the pancreas that measuresbloodglucoseconcentration and releases2hormones
insulin from beta cells
glucagon from alpha cells
Is both a receptor and modulator/control centre
Secreted by betacells in the Islets of Langerhans (pancreas)
Targets liver cells, skeletalmuscle, and fatcells to convertglucose into glycogen and storethatinside themselves
Insertsglucosetransporters into cellmembranes
in response to a highbloodglucoselevel (>5mmol/L)
Secreted by alphacells in the Islets of Langerhans (pancreas)
Targets mostly livercells to convertglycogen to glucose, and release that into the bloodstream
in response to a lowbloodglucoselevel (<5mmol/L)
blood glucose levels are high: Stimulus-response model
Stimulus (bloodglucose level >5mmol/L)
Receptors AND modulator (isletsofLangerhans detect this, alpha cells respond by producinglessglucagon, betacells respond by producing more insulin)
Effectors (Liver is stimulated to store moreglycogen, release less glucose)
Response (blood glucose levels fall back within the narrow limits, 4-5.9 mmol/L)
Negative feedback
blood glucose levels are low: Stimulus-response model
Stimulus (blood glucose <5mmolL)
Receptors AND modulator (islets of langerhans detect this, alpha cells respond by producing more glucagon, beta cells respond by producing less insulin)
Effectors (Liver is stimulates to release glucose into bloodstream)
Response (blood glucose levels rise back within the narrow limits)
Negative feedback
Type 1 Diabetes
caused by an autoimmune disorder in which cytotoxic T cells (Tc) inappropriately target and kill the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans
thus, it is a disease resulting from insufficient or no insulin production
onset is sudden and typically in younger people
people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections
can lead to hyperglycemic if untreated, or death
Type 2 Diabetes
usually develops over a long period, later in life
liver cells and other cells become resistant to insulin and donotreduce glucose levels appropriately
blood sugar levels stay high because the liver cells and skeletal cells do not respond
beta cells respond by producing greater amounts of insulin since they can detect that the blood sugar levels are still high. this wears the beta cells out and they start to die.
now there's insulin resistance and lowered levels of insulin production
can be treated through diet, exercise and several medications. not insulin injections
Symptoms of Diabetes 1
Beta cells are destroyed
The body's cells without insulin cannot take up glucose
lack an energy source for cell metabolism
Kidneys increase the volume of urine to clear the body of excess glucose
constant thirst to compensate for excessive urine production, increased hunger and weight gain
muscles are weak and fatigued due to the inability to utilise glucose
blood sugar level is below normal (<4mmol/L)
most common cause in mediation for insulin. often, an increase in insulin (through eating less than usual, exercising more than usual, drinking alcohol, injected toomuch insulin) can lead to low blood sugar levels
also caused by kidney disease, liver disease, starvation, infections, tumours.
Hypoglycaemia symptoms
trouble walking
loss of consciousness
An increase in blood sugar can happen to anyone due to sugary foods.Dry mouth, Increased thirst, weakness, headache, blurred vision, Frequent urination
a condition that results from an overactive thyroid gland. the thyroid gland produces thyroxine which controls numerous body functions, especially metabolic rate
most common cause of hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disorder called Graves' disease
b lymphocytes mistakenly produce antibodies against the TSH receptors on thyroid cells. when the antibodies bind to the TSH receptors, they stimulate them to produce thyroxine, just as TSH does
can also be caused by increased iodine consumption and medications for hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
too much thyroxine
can cause anxiety, excessive sweating, weight loss, an increased heart rate, difficulty sleeping, and goitre (swollen thyroid gland) since the metabolism is too fast
also, unexplained weight loss, sensitivity to heat
The thyroid gland is underreactive and fails to secrete enough hormones into the bloodstream.
Causes include autoimmune condition Hasimate's disease and insufficient dietary iodine
Treatment is lifelong hormone replacement with thyroxine tablets.
Hypothyroidism Symptoms
too little thyroxine
can cause cold intolerance, decreased sweating, depression and irritability,
also, slow heart rate, muscle or joint pain, weight gain
The process by which an organism regulates the water balance in its body and maintains the homeostasis
It includes controlling excess water loss or gain and maintaining the fluid balance and the osmotic concentration, that is, the concentration of electrolytes. Osmoregulation is a method of water balance in which receptors detect the concentration of solutes in the blood.
How water enters the body
metabolic water from cellular respiration
equation is O2 + C6H12O6 --> CO2 + H2O
drinking and eating can be adjusted to increase or decrease water balance
How water exits the body
breathing (water vapour)
Regulating water balance
most of the water lost from the body is lost in ways that cannot be regulated (can't regulate how much you breathe, how much you sweat if your body temperature is too high, your metabolic water).
the amount of water lost in urine can be regulated though!
2 stimulus-response pathways
Osmoregulation - ADH stimulus-response model pathway DECREASE
Stimulus (decrease in water levels)
Receptors (osmoreceptors detect increases in osmolality)
Modulator (hypothalamus causes a release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland)
Effectors (aquaporins inserted into the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct of kidneys, stimulation of cells in thirst centre)
Response (increased reabsorption of water from kidney filtrate, and increased consumption of fluid → increased water level)
Negative feedback
Osmoregulation - ADH stimulus-response model pathway INCREASE
Stimulus (increase in water levels)
Receptors (osmoreceptors detect decreases in osmolality)
Modulator (hypothalamussuppresses the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland)
Effectors (decreased aquaporins insertion into the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct of kidneys, thirst centre cells are suppressed)
Response (decrease in reabsorption of water from kidney filtrate, and decreased consumption of fluid → decreased water level)
Negative feedback
Osmoregulation - Renin secretion stimulus-response model pathway INCREASE
Stimulus (increase in water levels)
Receptors (baroreceptors detect increases in blood pressure and volume)
Modulator (hypothalamus suppresses the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland)
Effectors (decreased aquaporins insertion into the distalconvoluted tubule and collecting duct of kidneys, thirst centre cells are suppressed)
Response (decrease in reabsorption of water from kidney filtrate, and decreased consumption of fluid → decreased water level)
Negative feedback
Osmoregulation - Renin secretion stimulus-response model pathway DECREASE
Stimulus (decrease in water levels)
Receptor (baroreceptors detect fall in blood pressure and volume)
Modulator (release of renin from kidney cells, causing release of aldosterone, and hypothalamus causes release of ADH from posterior pituitary gland
Effector (activation of sodium-potassium pumps, increasing reabsorption of sodium + ADH pathway effectors)
Response (same as ADH pathway)
Negative feedback
if the blood pressure falls, renin is secreted within the kidney. it initiates the release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex, which acts on distal tubules actively absorbing sodium ions from tubules, water follows and blood pressure rises
Postive Feedback
A positive feedback loop occurs in nature when the product of a reaction leads to an increase in that reaction