A big group of people working together towards a common goal
What is the "Bretton Woods Agreement"?
A gathering of delegates from 44 nations that met from July 1 to 22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to agree upon a series of new rules for the post-WWII internationalmonetaryFund (IMF)
What did the "Bretton Woods Agreement" make?
The WorldBank and the InternationalMonetaryFund (IMF)
What is "NAFTA"?
1994 treaty among Canada, USA, and Mexico to improve trade by removing tariffs and other economic barriers
What does "NAFTA" stand for?
North AmericanFreeTradeAgreement
What is the World Bank?
An agency of the United Nations that in practice is independent and controlled by its 184 member countries, which provides loans to developing countries that are in financial difficulty.
What is "IMF"?
International agency that works with the World Bank to bring stability to internationalmonetaryaffairs and to help expand world trade.
What does "IMF" stand for?
What is Trade Liberalization?
The process of reducing barriers to trade
What is Free trade?
Trade without restrictions
What are Tariffs?
Taxes on imported goods
What is "FTA"?
1989, economic treaty between Canada and the USA that went in search to promote trade by reducing tariffs and other barriers between the two.
What does "FTA" stand for?
What is "WTO"?
International organization founded in 1995 that works to improve trade relations among the world's countries, especially by removing tariffs and others to trade
What does "WTO" stand for?
World TradeOrganization
What does "GATT" stand for?
GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade
What is "GATT"?
signed by 23 countries in October 1947, after World War II, and became law on Jan. 1, 1948. The purpose of GATT was to make international trade easier and to eliminate undesirable trade aspects of the pre-war period.
What are Quotas?
Proportional shares, such as those paid by membercountries of the IMF
What are Floating Exchange Rates?
Currency rates that are not fixed by the government but instead find their own value on the forgienexchangemarket
What is the "G8"?
An informal group of the eight major industrial democracies that meets at annual summits to discuss economic and foreign policies.
What does "G8" stand for?
What is the "EU"?
The world's largest and most powerful common market, which works to develop common foreign and security policies and to address other issues such as citizens' rights, job creation, regional development, and environmental protection.
What does "EU" stand for?
European Union
What is Euro?
European currency
What is Subsidy?
Financial help given by government to help support an industry
What is Recession?
A period of reduced economic activity lasting longer than two business quarters (six months)
What are "Centrally planned economies"?
A system under which governmentplanners decide what goods to produce and how much of it.
What is "Sustainable Development"?
Balancing economic growth, social progress, and environmental protection.
What are Developing Countries?
Countries with lower levels of industrialization and income, often facing challenges such as poverty, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to healthcare and education.
What are Developed Countries?
Countries with high levels of industrialization, income per capita, and quality of life.
What is Outsourcing?
The hiring of one company by another to fulfill certain tasks in production.
What are Crown Corporations?
Government - owned companies in Canada
What is Deregulation?
Removing government regulations
What are Oil Sands?
a deposit of loose sand or partially consolidated sandstone containing petroleum or other hydrocarbons.
What is "CIDA"?
Government agency responsible for administering foreign aid programs in developing countries
What does "CIDA" stand for?
What is Intermodal Transportation?
A system in which several types of transportation are used to move freight, especially when the startingpoint and destination are far apart
What's another word for "intermodal transportation"?
What is "MERCOSUR"?
The southern Americancommon market that works to bring about the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people among its member states.