
Cards (46)

  • Retroperitoneal space - where kidney is locates.
  • Size of adult kidney : 4 to 5 inches long, 2 to 3 inches wide and 1 inch thick.
    11 to 13 cm long, 5-7cm wide & 2.5-3cm thich
  • Renal capsule - fibrous outer surface, covers kidney except hilum
  • Renal cortex - the outer layer of the kidney, where most of the blood vessels are located. indirect contact with renal capsule
  • Renal medulla - below the costex, shape of many fans called pyramid. there are 12-18 pyramid per kidney
  • Renal columns - cortical tissue into interior of the kidney and separate pyramids
  • Papilla - tip or end of each pyramid. Drain urine into collecting system
  • Calyx - collects the urine at end of each papila
  • Function of urinary : F.E FAME
    Excretion of toxins (wastes, drugs, etc.)
    Fluid balance
    Acid base balance
  • Renal artery - carry dirty blood from the heart to the kidneys
  • Renal vein - carry clean blood from the kidneys to the heart
  • Kidney - clean blood, filter waste materials out the blood & pass them to the body as urine
  • Ureter - transports the urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  • Bladder - store urine
  • Urethra - expel urine
  • Internal sphincter - muscle that contracts or closes to control blood flow of urine
  • Nephron - functional unit of kidney. where urine is formed from blood. 1 million nephron per kidney
  • Cortical nephrons - short, all parts in the renal cortex.
  • Juxtamedullary - longer, tubes associated blood vessels dip deeply into the medulla. concentrate urine during times of low fluid intake. This allows maximum excretion of waste products with less fluid loss
  • Bowman's capsule - sac like structure that surrounds the glomerulus
  • Proximal convoluted tubule - narrow tubular tissue of bowmans capsule
  • After PCT, it will go to loop of henle then back cortex
  • Distal convoluted tubule - thick segment, asceding loop of henle. PCT downward loop of henle
  • Ureter - hallow tube that connect renal pelvis with urinary bladder. 1/2 inch in diameter and 12-18 inches in length.
    1:25cm in diameter, 30-45 cm in length
  • ureter is compose of 3 layers: urothelium or the inner lining of mucous membrane, middle layer of smooth muscles, and outer layer of fibrous tissue.
    The outer layer contains the blood supply. the middle layer contains longitudinal and circular muscle fibers.
  • Urinary bladder - muscular sac composed of body and bladder neck.
    This has three lining: inner lining (urothelium), middle layers of smooth muscle (detusor muscle) and and outer lining.
  • urinary bladder in men is in front of the rectum. in women, in front of the vagina.
  • Internal urethral sphincter - smooth detrustor muscle.
    External urethral sphincter - skeletal muscle surround urethra
  • Urethra - narrow tube line structure line with mucous membrane and epithelial cells.
  • prostatic urethra = transverse the porstate grade from urinary bladder
  • membranous urethra = traverses the wall of the pelvic floor
  • cavernou urethra = external and extends throught the length of penis
  • anuria - total urine output less than 100 ml in 24hrs
  • azotemia - increased blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels witout outward symptoms
  • dysuria - discomfort or pain associated with micturition
  • polyguria - increaSED URINE OUTPUT : GREATER THAN 2000 ML IN 24 HRS
  • uremia - uremic syndrome, full blown signs of symptoms
  • hesitancy : difficulty in initiating the flow of urine, even when the bladder has sufficient urine to initiate a void
  • bruit - audible swishing sound produced when the volume of blood changes
  • normal level of blood creatinine
    0.6 to 1.2 mg per dl in adult males
    0.5 to 1.1 mg per dl in females