Their language is even influenced digitally or technologically
Learners have to be techno-smart not techno-addict
ICT Competency Standards for Pre-service Teachers
Domain 1 UnderstandingICTinEducation (or in Policies)
Domain 2 CurriculumandAssessment
Domain 3 Pedagogy
Domain 4 TechnologyTools
Domain 5 OrganizationandAdministration
Domain 6 TeacherProfessional Learning
Domain 7 TeacherDisposition
DepEdOrder42, s.2017 mandates the use of the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) starting with the Beginning Teachers who are fresh graduates from the teacher education program
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T)
Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts
Standard 2: Planningand Designing Learning Environment and Experiences
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and HumanIssues
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Standard 1 Creativity and Innovation
Standard 2 Communication and Collaboration
Standard 3 Research and InformationFluency
Standard 4 Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and DecisionMaking