
Cards (9)

  • What is starch?
    Starch is a polysaccharide made up of glucose molecules and is the primary storage form of energy in plants.
  • Describe a test for starch
    Requires two test tubes
    Label A "starch solution" and B "water"
    Add 2cm3 of starch to test tube A using dropper
    Add 2cm3 of water to test tube B (control)
    Add two drops of iodine solution to both tubes, yellow-brown colour
    Observe and record results
  • Conclusion of test for starch
    Tube B remains yellow-brown, Tube A turns blue-black
  • Test for Lipid
    Label two greaseproof pieces of paper A and B
    Rub butter on paper A
    Add water to paper B (control)
    Leave paper to dry for 30 minutes
    Hold both pieces to light source
  • Result of test for lipid
    Control has no translucent spot after dryng, paper A does
  • Test for reducing sugar ie. glucose
    Label tubes A and B
    Ad 2cm3 of glucose to tube A
    Add 2cm3 of water to tube B (control)
    Add 2-3 drops of benedict's solution to both
    Place tubes in water bath and heat to 60c for 5 minutes
  • Result of test from reducing sugar
    Tube B will remain blue from Benedict's solution, tube A will have turned brick red
  • Test for Protein
    Label two test tubes A and B
    Add 2cm3 of protein solution to A and 2cm3 of water to B
    Add 2-3 drops of Biuret solution to both
  • Result of test for protein
    Tube A turns from blue to lilac, tube B remains blue