the holy trinity is made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
the characteristics god has is
omnibenevolent (all loving)
omnipotent (all powerful)
omniscient (all knowing)
transcendent (outside space and time)
imanent (within all)
the christian holy book is the Bible
the order of creation is
earth, space, time and light
sky and sea
dryland and plants
sun, moon and stars
sea and flying creatures
land animals and man
a fundamental christian believes that the Bible is the literal word of God and everyting in it is 100% true
a liberal christian believes that the Bible is not literally true but contains important messages about how to live life
a conservative christian believes that the Bible was inspired by God and some stories arre true and some are myth
all of the trinity was at creation
'Spirit of God hovered over the waters' means the holyspirit was present at creation
'In the beginning was the word and the Word was withGod and the Word was God'
'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me' - must acceptJesus to go to heaven
'Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?' - jesus suffered to enter heaven so its okay that we suffer
'God so loved the world he gave his only son' - god loves us all equally
Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins, teach and guide and give light to man
a belief about the incarnation is that Jesus is 100% god and 100% human and that he limited himself to a human life
'God became man so we could become God' - Jesus died for us
the crucifixion helps christians through suffering ...
comforts them - Jesus went through worse (relates to him)
gives them hope - Jesus died for them so if they suffer through this they get a better afterlife
Its important that Jesus ressurected because ...
he overcame suffering
they will rise from the dead into heaven
shows he's god and human
beliefs about ressurection ;
christians believe the ressurection shows the powerofgood over evil
by accepting jesus they can also be ressurected in some way - no need to feardeath
assures them that God will forgive their sins if they follow the teachings
belief about ascension
Jesus is with God
makes way for the coming of the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and guidence
the role of the holy spirit is to provide comfort and guidence
salvation means to be saved from sin and be granted eternal life with God
Christians believe there are different ways to gain salvation
Through good works and following the teachings and laws in the Bible
Through grace and the work of the holyspirit
heaven is one with God and is a place of eternal happiness and peace
hell is eternal separation from god
Orgininal sin is sin we inherited from Adam and Eve as a consequence for the fall of humanity
Christians believe that sin separates you from God
'He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins'
Jesus had to die so that we could be forgiven for our sins. he would take the all the world's sin so we could get to heaven
reasons why evil exist
to teach us
free will
pugatory is a catholic belief and its the place of tempory punishment where souls work off unconfessed sins
the parable of the sheeps and goats is about the judgement day. the sheeps get rewarded for helping others and the goats get punished for being selfish