islam beliefs and teachings

Cards (18)

  • 'Muhammad is not the father or any one of you men; he is god's messenger' - muhammad is not god just a prophet
  • 'Creator of heavens and earth, who made angels messengers' - angels can communicate with man
  • 'This is the scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God' - Qur'an is infalliable
  • 'Only what God has decreed will happen to us.'
  • 'He is our master : let the believers put their trust in God'
  • 'Every community is sent a messenger, and when their messenger comes, they will be judged justly ; they will not be wronged' - judgment day - god is a fair judge
  • 6 articles of Sunni belief
    1. Tawhid (one god)
    2. angels communicate God's message to humans
    3. the Qur'an has the most authority in Islam
    4. Muhammad is the most important prophet
    5. Everyone will be judged on the day of judgement
    6. the supremacy of God's will
  • 5 roots of Shi'a belief
    1. Tawhid (one God)
    2. Muhammad was the final prophet and all his revelations are true
    3. God is just and wise and will hold humans accountable for their actions
    4. the 12 Imams are the leader of Islam and guard the truth of the religion without error
    5. after death they will be ressurected to be judged by God
  • the islamic holy book is the Qur'an
  • the biggest difference between Sunni and Shi'a muslims are that they believe different people should be the successor to Muhammad
    Sunni - democracy
    Shi'a - bloodline
  • Muslims believe the Qur'an is the direct word of God and is infalliable which means the word cannot be twisted by humans. It's mean to be read in Arabic
  • the Hadith is a collection of traditions and sayings of the final prophet Muhammad
  • the Sunnah contains Muhammad's words and actions and model practices and customs
  • Ummah means 'the people' specifically a group of muslims
  • Nature of Allah
    • has 99 names
    • one absolute God
    • cannot communicate directly to humans so communicates through prophets
  • Inshallah means 'if God wills it' or 'God willing'
  • Jibril
    • archangel
    • known as spirit of holiness
    • always brings good news
    • trusted messenger of God
    • relayed Qur'an to Muhammad
  • Mika'il
    • Angel of mercy
    • assists peoples spiritual missions
    • provided water to purify Muhammad