Muscle contraction

Cards (30)

  • muscle contraction involves myosin and actin filaments sliding over one another
  • Myosin filaments:
    • have globular heads that are hinged - so they can move back and forth
    • each myosin head has a binding site for actin and a binding site of ATP
  • Actin filaments:
    • have binding sites for myosin heads - actin-myosin binding sites
    • another protein called tropomyosin is found between actin filaments - helps myofilaments move past each other
  • Binding sites in resting muscles:
    • for myosin and actin filaments to slide past each other, the myosin head needs to bind to the actin-myosin binding site on the actin filament
    • in a resting (unstimulated) muscle - the actin-myosin binding site is blocked by tropomyosin
    • this means that myofilaments can't slide past each other bc myosin heads can't bind to the actin filaments
  • The process of muscle contraction:
    • Arrival of an action potential
    • Movement of the actin filament
    • Breaking of the cross bridge
    • Return to resting state
  • Arrival of an action potential:
    • when an action potential from a motor neurone stimulates a muscle cell, it depolarises the sarcolemma
    • depolarisation spreads down the T-tubules to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
    • this causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release stored calcium ions (Ca+) into the sarcoplasm
    • this influx of calcium ions into the sarcoplasm triggers muscle contraction
    • Calcium ions bind to a protein attached to tropomyosin, causing the protein to change shape
    • this pulls the attached tropomyosin out of the actin-myosin binding site on the actin filament
    • this exposes the binding site, which allows the myosin head to bind
    • the bond formed when a myosin head binds to an actin filament is called a actin-myosin cross bridge
  • tropomyosin molecules actually form part of a long chain that coils round the actin filament
    • Ca2+ binds to a protein attached to to tropomyosin
    • tropomyosin moves and unblocks the binding site
    • myosin head binds to the exposed site
    • actin-myosin cross-bridge formed
  • Movement of the actin filament:
    • calcium ions also activate the enzyme ATP hydrolase, which hydrolases (breaks down ATP) into ADP + Pi to provide the energy needed for muscle contraction
    • the energy released from ATP causes the myosin head to bend, which pulls the actin filament along in a kind of rowing action
    • the movement of the myosin head to the side is called a 'power stroke'
  • Breaking of the cross bridge
    1. Another ATP molecule provides the energy to break the actin-myosin cross bridge
    2. Myosin head detaches from the actin filament after it's moved
    3. Myosin head returns to its starting position and reattaches to a different binding site further along the actin filament
    4. A new actin-myosin cross bridge is formed and the cycle is repeated (attach, move, detach, reattach to new binding site)
    5. Many actin-myosin cross bridges form and break very rapidly, pulling the actin filament along - which shortens the sarcomere, causing the muscle to contract
  • The cycle will continue
    As long as calcium ions are present
  • a good supply of ATP is essential for muscle contraction
  • as the actin filaments are being moved along, the I-bands are getting shorter and the Z-lines are moving closer together
  • Return to resting state:
    • when the muscle tops being stimulates, calcium ions leave their binding sites and are moved by active transport back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum (needs ATP)
    • causes tropomyosin molecules to move back, so they block the actin-myosin binding sites again
    • muscles aren't contracted bc no myosin heads are attached to actin filaments (no actin-myosin cross bridges)
    • actin filaments slide back to their relaxed position - lengthens the sarcomere
  • Energy for muscle contraction:
    • aerobic respiration
    • anaerobic respiration
    • ATP-phosphocreatine PCr system
  • Aerobic resp:
    • most ATP is generated via oxidative phosphorylation in the cell's mitochondria
    • aerobic resp only works when there is oxygen
    • good for long periods of low-intensity exercise e.g. a long walk
  • anaerobic resp:
    • ATP is made rapidly by glycolysis
    • end product of glycolysis is pyruvate which is converted to lactate by lactate fermentation
    • lactate can quickly build up in in the muscles and cause muscle fatigue
    • anaerobic resp is good for shot periods of hard exercise e.g. a 400 m sprint
  • ATP-phosphocreatine (PCr) system

    1. ATP is made from phosphorylating ADP - adding a phosphate group taken from PCr
    2. ADP + PCr = ATP + Cr (creatine)
  • PCr

    Stored inside cells, the ATP-PCr system generates ATP very quickly
  • PCr

    • Runs out after a few seconds, used during short bursts of vigorous exercise e.g. a tennis serve
  • ATP-PCr system

    Anaerobic (doesn't need oxygen), alactic (doesn't form any lactate)
  • Creatine breakdown

    1. Some of the Cr gets broken down into creatinine
    2. Creatinine is removed from the body via the kidneys
  • Creatinine levels

    • Higher in people who exercise regularly and those with a high muscle mass
    • May also indicate kidney damage
  • skeletal muscles are made up of 2 types of msucle fibres:
    • slow twitch
    • fast twitch
  • Slow twitch:
    • contract slowly and an work for a long time without getting tired
    • good for endurance activities e.g. long distance running and maintaining posture
    • high proportions found in the muscles use for posture e.g. in the back and calves
    • energy released slowly through aerobic resp
    • lots of mitochondria and blood vessels to supply muscles with oxygen
    • mitochondria found near the edge of muscle fibres
    • so that there is a short diffusion pathway for oxygen from the blood vessels to the mitochondria
    • slow twitch muscle fibres are also rich in myoglobin, a red-coloured protein that stores oxygen, so the are reddish in colour
  • Fast twitch:
    • contract very quickly
    • get tired very quickly
    • makes them good for short bursts of speed and power e.g. sprinting and eye movement
    • high proportions found in muscles used for fast movement such as the legs, arms and eyes
    • energy released quickly through anaerobic resp using glycogen in fast twitch muscle fibres
    • also have stores of PCr so energy can be generated very quickly when needed
    • FT muscle fibres have few mitochondria or blood vessels
    • don't have much myoglobin either - so can't store much oxygen
    • more of a whitish colour
  • cells are able to store excess glucose as glycogen, which can be converted back into glucose when needed