Strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution

Cards (12)

  • On the 31st July 1919, Berlin was still at unrest, so the new democratic system of Germany was setup in a peaceful town called Weimar
  • The president was the head of the weimar republic. They were to be voted for every 7 years. They had the power to choose the chancellor and could take certain measures without consent of the Reichstag during a crisis e.g. deploying military
  • The government was made up of the chancellor, which was the head of government and chose all the ministers. It was also made up of the Cabinet, which was chosen by the chancellor to control certain sectors of the government
  • The parliament was made up of the reichstag and reichsrat. The reichstag was more powerful and controlled taxation, it also had elections for who could join it atleast every four years.
  • The reichstrat was made up of a member or more from each state who contributed to who get voted into reichstag
  • The reichstag was in charge of the laws the government made, while the reichsrats role was to vote in members of the reichstag
  • Electorate people were men or women over the age of 21 who were registered to vote
  • The weimar constitution made that each party had the same number of seats. It also made that no party had any more power than the other
  • The weimar institution also made that women could now vote, the reichsrat could delay new laws by the reichstag, and there was an election every 7 years
  • Due to proportional representation and a fair share of seats, parties had the same number of votes. Therefore parties formed coalitions in order to combine their votes and win an election
  • Article 48, which allowed the head of state to put in laws without permission in a crisis, was interpreted in different ways and due to parties being given the same amount of power, some implemented laws without permission of the reichstag
  • The weimar institution introduced the bill of rights, which guaranteed all German peoples rights and equality