1. Big cloud of dust and gas (nebula)
2. Gravity pulls dust and gas together to form a protostar
3. Protostar gets bigger and denser
4. Temperature and pressure increase
5. Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium (nuclear fusion)
6. Star becomes a main sequence star
7. Main sequence star has balanced outward and inward pressure
8. Star runs out of hydrogen
9. Gravity contracts star
10. Nuclear fusion forms heavier elements up to iron
11. Small/medium star becomes a red giant
12. Red giant expels outer layers, leaving a white dwarf
13. White dwarf cools to become a black dwarf
14. Massive star becomes a red supergiant
15. Red supergiant explodes in a supernova
16. Supernova ejects heavy elements
17. Massive star condenses into a neutron star or black hole