Food sustainability

Cards (9)

  • Ways to reduce food waste when buying and cooking food.
    • Check fridge and food presses and make a shopping list to avoid buying items already at
    • home, etc.
    • Avoid shopping when hungry as this can lead to impulse buying, etc.
    • Buy fruit and vegetables loose not pre-packed so you only buy the quantity needed;
    • examine fruit and veg for ripeness or signs of food spoilage, etc.
    • Buy perishable items like meat, fish, milk in small quantities, etc.
    • Store food correctly to avoid it going off before using, etc.
    • Understand the difference between use-by and best-before dates,
    • Selecting food : Plan meals and make a list before shopping; avoid special offers if they are not planned for; check best before date; buy the amount you need; buy loose foods; check the quality of the food; etc.
    • Preparing food : Prepare correct quantities; avoid peeling where possible; follow the use by dates and best before dates; freeze foods that are not going to be used; etc
    • Storing food : Store the oldest to the front of the fridge; use a stock rotation plan; keep perishable foods correctly stored in the fridge; cover foods in the fridge; follow storage instructions on the
    package; etc.
  • leftovers use
  • (a) (i) Ways to reduce household waste:
    1. Textile items can be upcycled into new items or used as rags. They can then be brought to a textile recycling bank.
    2. Paper and cardboard can be recycled in the green recycling bin.
    3. Glass can be brought to a local bottle bank.
  • inorganic waste -
    Waste that is not bio-degradable i.e it will not break down overtime. E.g glass
  • Paper is biodegradable waste
  • Compositing food
    1. Make a list and stick to it. This means you will not buy any unnecessary items that won’t be used during the week.
    2. Do not go food shopping when you are hungry. You will buy more food than is needed and it will go to waste.
    3. Check use by dates. Make sure to choose items with the longest use by date so the food will not be gone off before you get a chance to use it.
  • Health problem - stroke
    • Reduce the amount of salt added during cooking.
    • Do not add salt at the dinner table, or taste food before adding any.
    • Use alternative flavourings such as herbs and spices when cooking.
    • Choose low-salt stock cubes, gravy granules or soya sauce.
    • Read food labels to check how much salt/sodium