Central limit theory

Cards (11)

  • Define the central limit theory
    If you take samples from a distribution and calultate the sample means.
    Plot the sample means and the distribution approximates a normal distribution.
  • What is the graph produced by the central limit theory
    The sampling distribution of the sampling mean
  • What are the types of uniform distribution
    Discrete and continuous
  • What happens to the sampling distribution of the sampling means as sample size increased
    It gets closer to a normal distribution
  • What is the recommemded sample size for the central limit theory
    Over 30
  • What is the significance level

    This is the probability that the null hypothesis is true
  • What is the symbol for the significance level
  • What is the null hypothesis symbol
    H 0
  • What is the null hypothesis
    That there is no significant difference
  • What is H1
    The alternative hypothesis
  • What is the P-value
    The probability of observing the outcome or any outcome which is more extreme