Significance testing

Cards (37)

  • What is anova
    Analysis of variance
  • What are the groups of significance testing
    Parametric and non-parametric
  • What does non-parametric test
  • What are the types of parametric tests
    T-tests and ANOVA
  • What do parametric tests compare
    Means and variances
  • Describe a t-test
    It is used to make comparisons between 2 sample means or a sample mean and population mean.
  • What sample size do t-tests work best with
    Small [~ 30].
  • What is a one sample t-test
    When you have a single sample compared to a fixed sample.
    Each subject appears once within a population.
  • What is a paiired/related t-test
    When two observations are made on the same sample subject.
    This can be used to study a change in time or conditions.
    Each subject appears in each sample.
  • What is an independent/unpaired/two-samples t-test
    Investigates if there is a difference between two samples under the same conditions.
  • Eqaution for one-sample t-test
    [X bar - Fixed value] / Standard error of the mean
  • Equation for standard error fo the mean
    Sample standard deviation / Square root of n.
  • Degrees of freedom for one-sample t-test
    n - 1
  • Equation for paired t-test
    Mean difference / Standard error of the differences
  • Standard error fo the differences equation
    The square root of [ Standard deviation squared / N + Standard deviation squared / N].
  • Degrees of freedom for paired t-test
    N - 1
  • unpaired t-test equation
    [ Mean - Mean ] / Standard error of the difference
  • Degrees of freedom for unpaired t-test
    N + N -2
  • What is the name of the statistic in an anova
  • What does an anova do
    Calculates the variability between samples and within samples.
  • What are the types of anovas
    One-way and repeated-measures
  • Describe a one-way ANOVA
    Used to compare factors in 2 independent samples.
  • Describe a repeated measures ANOVA
    Compares dependent subjects under different conditions.
  • How many factors are in a one-way anova
  • How many factors are in a two-way anova
  • What is a confidence interval of 95%
    It means you have a 5% chance of rejecting the null hypothesis incorrectly.
  • What is desegrated data
    This is data which is split into categories
  • How do you determine where the variability is in an ANOVA
    Use a post-hoc test such as a Turkey test.
  • What assumption does the turkey test make
    It assumes the variances are equal
  • What are the types of chi squared tests
    Association and goodness of fit
  • What is a chi-squared goodness of fit test
    It determines if the data fits your expectations.
  • Eqaution for a chi-squared

    The sum of [Observed - Expected] squared / Expected
  • What does chi-squared goodness of fit test calculate
    An error score
  • What does a chi squared test of association mean
    It calculates the independence of two variables on a single population
  • What is the degrees of freedom
    This is the number of categories for your observations
  • Df for chi squared goodness of fit
    n - 1
  • Df for chi squared test of association
    Df for column * Df for rows