Special diets

Cards (19)

  • Type 1 diabetes/insulin-dependent diabetes/early onset/childhood
    occurs when insulin is not produced in the body (pancreas), insulin must be taken
    by injection to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Type 2 diabetes/non-insulin dependent diabetes/late onset diabetes /adult occurs when the body cannot use the insulin it produces, can be controlled by a strict diet/medication.
  • Diabetes symptoms - excessive thirst and an increase in urine excreted.
    treatments - regular meals to maintain constant blood sugar levels - high fibre diet + special diabetic foods + sweeteners - sorbitol + Keep weight within an acceptable range
  • Diabetes results when little or no insulin is produced in the bod. Insulin - hormone that controls the level of sugar in the blood.
  • List three factors that increase the risk of developing diabetes.
    • weight gain, obesity, family history/heredity, lack of exercise, pregnancy,
    • poor lifestyle, high sugar diet, high fat diet, high alcohol consumption.
    • Diabetes - follow a healthy balanced diet, eat regular meals, avoid foods high in sugar,
    • lower blood glucose level, include high fibre foods, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly.
  • What are the health problems associated with diabetes?
    • heart attack, stroke, poor blood circulation, high blood cholesterol levels, damage to kidneys, damage to eyesight/blindness, loss of limbs, high blood pressure,teeth and gum problems, nerve damage, foot problems, dizziness, excessive thirst, frequent urination.
    • empty kilocalories: foods that do not contain any other nutrients except sugar e.g. table sugar
    • peristalsis: muscular movement of food through the digestive system.
    • refined foods:foods that have been processed and lack many nutrients as a result e.g. packet soup, white flour example only 2/5
  • Vegan
    • Tofu - paste made from soya beans
    • TVP- Textured vegetable protein,meat substitute.
    • Quorn - protein - microorganisms
  • gluten free
    Foods that do not contain the protein gluten that is found in wheat, oats, barley, rye
    • List three possible causes of obesity
    : overeating, lack of exercise, poor nutritional knowledge, energy imbalance, emotional reasons.
    • What are the health problems associated with obesity?heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes,
    varicose veins, limb and joint immobility, poor self-image, depression
  • coronary heart disease. (2 x2)
    • saturated fat build up as deposits on the walls of arteries, arteries become narrower, restricts the flow of blood to the heart, results in high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, angina - oily fish.
    • Eat low fat food fruit + veg.
    • Don’t smoke.
    • exercise regularly
    • Don’t overeat maintain a healthy weight
  • dietary guidelines: reduce salt and saturated fat intake, increase use unsaturated fats, avoid refined CHO (refined carbs) , especially sugar, avoid overeating,
    increase intake of fruits and vegetables, etc.
    lifestyle guidelines: exercise regularly, reduce weight, avoid smoking, reduce alcohol
    intake, reduce stress levels
  • two reasons why a teenager may become a vegetarian.
    • healthy options, religious reasons, may believe it is wrong to kill animals
    • peer pressure, fashion, cheaper
  • Give three reasons why people may choose a vegetarian diet.
    disagree with killing animals, peer pressure, healthy option
    religious reasons, cheaper diet, fashionable,
  • vegan diet: lives on plant and cereal foods, does not eat meat, meat products, poultry, fish, dairy products or eggs
  • List the guidelines that should be followed when planning meals for a vegetarian.
    • use only vegetable stock and vegetable fats,
    • balanced menu, variety, use whole cereals, use TVP, use soya milk, include nuts and pulse vegetables, etc.
  • Coeliac— If a person eats gluten it damages the villi in the intestine.
    Symptoms of celiac disease
    • Weight loss • Stomach pain + Children failing to thrive - anaemia
  • Why choose a vegetarian diet?
    • Many people believe it to be a healthier diet. Vegetarians are less likely to be overweight or to suffer from heart disease or bowel disorders.
    • Some religions, such as Hinduism, favour a vegetarian diet.
    • Ethical reasons; some people object to the killing of animals for food.
    • Sustainability: vegetables and cereals are easier and cheaper to produce than meat and are less damaging, to the environment.