Money management

Cards (5)

  • Outline four different ways to save money when shopping for food to take on the hill walk.
    • shop around to find best value,
    • use money off coupons,
    • buy own brands,
    • buy in lower cost supermarkets,
    • buy foods in season,
    • avail of special offers- buy one get one free,
    • avoid impulse buying- by making a list and sticking to it,
    • avoiding shopping while hungry,
  • Identify four different ways the family could make regular savings in order pay for a
    family holiday.

    • Layer up and save money on heating
    • bring your own packed lunch; cut down on take away coffees/take-away;
    • walk/cycle instead of taking the car/bus;
    • Make a shopping list to avoid impulse buying
  • wage - this refers to a fixed reqular payment paid on hourly, daily or weekly basis.
  • advantages of budgeting
    • how do you feel secure and in control of your finances
    • You can potentially save
    • good example is set for children,
    • Helps you see when your overspending/reduces it
  • Credit buying