What is a state of affairs in which a party of both parties has found an errorouse opinion as to identify of subject matter, or some other important term.
What are the two types of mistakes?
Mistake of law and mistake of fact
Mistake of law is when parties presumed to know the law.
Which type of the two mistakes does the law not provide a relief too?
Mistake of law
What is a mistake that is related to the subject matter ot the identity of the parties?
Mistake of fact
Which of the two types of mistakes does the law have a relief too but it depends on if the mistake is related to the subject matter or the identity of the parties?
Mistake of fact
What is a defence that may allow a person who cannot read, write or is weak to avoid the liabilities of a written agreement if they can establish that they: did not know the true natue of the agreement and were not careless in its execution

What are the two forms of mistakes?
Mutual and unilateral Mistake
What is it called when only one party makes a mistake?
Unilateral mistake
What is it called when both parties make a mistake regarding the subject matter of an agreement?
Mutual mistake
When both parties make the same mistake regarding the subject matter of an agreement the contract is unenforceable.
When both parties make the same mistake regarding their identities it will be dealt with a case by case basis.
What is a correction of a mistake in an agreement that would cause the agreement impossible to perform.
What is a statement or conduct that may be innocent or fraudulaent that convince a person to enter a contract?
The revocation of a contract or agreement that is only if the innocent or injured party relies on the false statement.
What are the three types of misrepresentations?
Innocent, negligent, fraudulent
What is the result of a innocent misrepresentaion contract?
What is the result of a negligent and fraudulent mirepresentaion contract?
Rescission and damages
What is a false statement of a material fact made by a party that thought the fact was true?
Innocent misrepresentation
What is a false statement made my a party that knows that it is false in the intention to decive the other party?
Fraudulent misrepresentation
A tort that arise when a party suffers damages by acting upon a false representation made by a party with the intention of deceiving the other.
A statement that are reckless but not innocent nor fraudulent
Negligence misrepresentation
A statement of affairs whereby a person is so influenced by another that the person's judgement is not his or her own.

A threat of injuring or imprisonment for the purpose to require another to enter into a contract or carry out some act.