
Cards (12)

  • Three-age system
    A system of classifying ancient ages into groups based on tools developmental stages
  • Scientific Revolution
    Period of great scientific intellectual achievements that contributed to essential changes in scientific investigations
  • Industrial Revolution
    Period of complex technological investigations that eventually replaced human and animal forces
  • Information Age
    The period characterized by the change from traditional industry to an economy that is founded on computerization of information
  • Christian Jurgensen Thomsen
    • An archeologist and a curator of the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen who introduced the Three-Age System in early 19th century, through his book entitled "Guide to Scandinavian Antiquity"
  • Stone Age (20142.5 mya – 3000 BC)

    • Weapons made of stone, wood, bone or some other materials aside from metals
    • Subdivided by John Lubbock into "Palaeolithic" and "Neolithic" periods
    • The transitional period between late palaeolithic to early Neolithic was termed as Mesolithic by John Allen Brown in 1892
    • Stone period are based mainly on technological advancement and not on actual date
  • Palaeolithic (Old Stone)

    • Longest phase of human history
    • Humans evolve from ape-like creature to a true Homo sapiens
  • Middle Palaeolithic Period

    • Simple tools such as stone choppers believed to be made more than a million year ago by one of our earliest ancestors, Australopithecus
    • Neanderthals were cavemen known to use fire, stone tools of flake types for hunting, and bone implements such as needles for sewing body coverings made of animal furs and skins
  • Upper Palaeolithic Period

    • Homo sapiens groups like Cro-Magnon man dominated the Upper Palaeolithic period. This period was known for communal hunting, extensive fishing, supernatural beliefs, cloth sewing, sculpture, painting, and making personal ornaments out of bone, horns and ivory
  • Mesolithic (Middle Stone)

    • People began to learn fishing along rivers and lake shores, make pottery and use bow
    • They made use of stone tools known as microliths which were comparatively smaller and more delicate than those of Palaeoliths
  • Neolithic (New Stone)
    • Cultural and technological development was based primarily on agriculture
    • Characterized by domestication of plants and animals
  • Bronze Age (3000 BC – 1200 BC)

    • Tools and weapons were already widely made with copper and bronze
    • Smelting is a process of extracting metal from or involving heating and melting
    • Sumerians of Mesopotamia discovered that a harder and stronger metal could be made by blending copper and tin