virtual relationships in social media

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    • Computer mediated communication (CMC) encompasses a wide variety of electronic communication methods through which relationships can be formed ​
  • self-disclosure
    revealing personal information about yourself​
  • general evaluation
    they address CMC as a single construct.​However, many argue that the effect of self-disclosure will depend on the type of CMC - on social network sites like Facebook people tend to also have a relationship in the outside world and therefore people will disclose more. ​However, on internet dating sites self-disclosure is reduced because both parties anticipate meeting in the future. This doesn’t exist on online gaming sites and chatrooms ​Researchers argue that any theory that sees CMC as a single construct cannot be completely valid explanation
  • general evaluation
    research into virtual relationships is that it hasn’t considered the difference between males and females.​For example, evolutionary theory would state that females would be concerned with making themselves seem more attractive and youthful to attract a mate whereas males might want to appear like they have more resources. ​This suggests that there may be a beta gender bias in this area of research as neither theory suggests that there are gender differences in how CMC is used. ​Therefore theories into virtual relationships may not be applicable to everyone. ​