reduced cues theory

Cards (5)

  • less non-verbal cues -> less self disclosure -> relationships less likely to form
  • CMC relationships will be less successful than FtF relationships ​Because they lack the emotional cues we usually depend on e.g. facial expressions. 
    ​Therefore, we are less aware of people’s emotional states.​CMC can also lead to deindividuation .This is where we don’t see the other person as an individual… ​therefore our behaviour is less inhibited. ​This means that we are more likely to be blunt or even aggressive in our communication.​
  • researchers believe we are less likely to form imitate relationships​ - as we wouldn’t want to self-disclose our innermost feelings to someone who comes across as so impersonal. 
  • contradictory evidence for reduce cues
    Tamir & Mitchell, evidence which suggests that self-disclosure may be high on social media. found increased MRI activity in 2 brain regions that are associated with reward​.areas strongly activated when people were talking about themselves ​. ​Ps experienced a greater sensation of pleasure when sharing their thoughts​, than when they were told their thoughts would be kept private. ​suggest self-disclosure's rewarding ​therefore there is human tendency to share our ​personal experiences with others online. ​
  • criticism of reduced cues
    some researcher’s argue that the theory is wrong to argue that nonverbal cues are entirely missing from CMC.​Non-verbal cues are not missing; they are just different. ​Researchers argue that people use other cues such as timing and style of their message. ​In addition, the use of acrostics such as LOL and emojis also help to convey the tone of the message. showing that the theory ignores the importance of such non-verbal cues in communication.  ​