Cards (14)

  • What are the factors that influence design?
    1. Need or opportunity
    2. Function
    3. End users
    4. Aesthetics
    5. Market needs or opportunities
    6. Product lifecycle
    7. Technologies: materials, tools and processes
    8. Ethical considerations
  • Need or opportunity
    Identification of the purpose for a product and it why it was made
  • Function
    The purpose of a product that makes it fit-for-use for its intent
  • End-users
    The human and/or non human consumers of the product for whom the product is intended for
  • End-users
    Parts of the product that impact include quality of life:
    Culture & religion
    Emotional & sensory appeal
    Universal design
    Social & physical needs
    Anthropometric data
  • Aesthetics
    Relates to a products form, appearance and feel
    Considerations include design elements and principles
  • Market needs and opportunities
    Areas where a product does not already address a need, or where a product does not exist and a new product can fill a gap in the market
  • Product lifecycle

    The resource inputs that span a products manufacture
  • Product lifecycle - Life cycle assessment
    (LCA) A tool that is used to assess the environmental impact of each stage within a product's life
  • Technologies: Materials, tools and processes
    Timber, plastics, fabrics, metals, bio-materials, dyes & finishes
    AI, computer-aided design (CAD), 3D printer, overlocked, fabric printing
    Testing making samples, prototyping,
  • Ethical considerations in design- what is ethical design?
    It's concerned with enabling both individual goods and public goods
    Looks at designing products that is ethical for people and public spaces including sustainability and legal responsibilities
  • 3 pillars of sustainability
    Environmental dimension: Planet
    Economic dimension: Profit
    Social dimension: People
  • Design elements
    Point, line, shape, form, texture, colour, tone, transparency, translucency, opacity
  • Design principles
    Proportion & balance, contrast, asymmetry & symmetry, pattern, movement & rhythm, repetition, space, surface qualities