OCR law - ABH

Cards (5)

  • what section is ABH under?
    s47 OAPA 1861
  • what does s47 state?

    whosoever shall be convicted of any assault occasioning ABH shall be liable to imprisionment for 5 years
    *triable either way offence*
  • AR of s47
    has three elements that must be proven:
    occasioning: means causing= assault or battery that this caused ABH
    r v miller- ABH is any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim
  • unlawful force and consent
    the force must be unlawful
    brown: it was stated that in the absence of good reason, the victims consent Is no defence to a charge under OAPA 1861
    r v BM
  • MR of s47
    if the underlying offence is battery: d must intend or be subjectively reckless as to whether the v fears for is subjected to unlawful force