hindu beliefs (eoy)

Cards (50)

  • Nirguna brahman
    The idea of divine consciousness that is beyond human understanding, limitless and everywhere, present in all beings
  • Saguna brahman
    The idea that God takes form to help humans understand an aspect of God, with endless manifestations represented by different gods and goddesses
  • Three key features of God
    • Exists everywhere as a non-personal God
    • God within the heart (antaryami)
    • God is beyond, personal and loving
  • The Upanishads (panel shad) represent the idea of the endless, limitless nature of God
  • Trimurti
    The three main aspects of Brahman: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer
  • Avatars of Vishnu
    • Appear on earth to restore Dharma and justice when there is too much evil in the world, including the avatars of Krishna and Rama
  • Female deities
    • Lakshmi, Saraswati
  • Time is cyclical
    The universe is repeatedly created and destroyed, with many universes existing simultaneously
  • There are many different creation stories and understandings of the universe within Hinduism
  • Time
    Cyclical, without a starting or ending point. The universe is repeatedly created, destroyed, and recreated.
  • Aspects of the universe
    • Many universes/bubbles floating in space
    • Different realms (upper, earthly, lower)
    • Diverse inhabitants (not just humans)
  • Things are made of spirit and matter
  • Cosmology
    The idea of how the universe began and its nature
  • Model of the universe
    • Mount Meru at the center, with heavens above and hells below, and 14 worlds making up a multiverse
  • There are many different creation stories in Hinduism, as the universe is constantly being created and destroyed
  • Rig Veda: 'Who really knows, who will here proclaim it, whence was it produced, whence this creation? The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. You there knows whence it has arisen?'
  • The nature and specifics of how the world was created is unimportant, as no one knows exactly how it happened
  • Yugas
    Four ages of decreasing duration and increasing corruption, until the end when Vishnu appears as Kalki to remove evil and start a new golden age
  • Matter and spirit
    Everything in the world is made of either matter or spirit, with spirit being considered more important
  • Atman
    The spiritual part of the self, more important than the physical body
  • Tri-guna
    Three qualities that shape matter and tie the world together, but are an illusion (Maya)
  • Moksha
    The goal for Hindus, to be reconnected with Brahman by escaping the tri-guna and realizing the truth that the material world is an illusion
  • Hindus try to reach enlightenment by clearing their minds of concern with the material world and focusing on the spiritual
  • Tri-murtis
    The three stages of matter: creation, maintenance, and destruction
  • The tri-guna tie the world together and make us believe the material world is real, when it is actually an illusion (Maya)
  • Karma
    The idea that the consequences of one's actions determine the course of one's life.
  • Samsara
    The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
  • Moksha
    The ultimate goal of Hinduism, achieved by achieving self-realization and liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
  • Dharma
    The moral law or code of conduct that governs human behavior.
  • Avatar
    The concept of gods or deity taking human form to re-establish good and truth.
  • Atman
    The individual self or soul.
  • Brahman
    The ultimate reality, the unchanging, all-pervading consciousness.
  • Maya
    The illusion or veil that conceals the truth.
  • Yoga
    The union or linking of the individual self with the ultimate reality.
  • Atman
    The true self, spiritual part of oneself, connected to Brahman
  • Cycle of birth and death
    1. Born
    2. Die
    3. Reborn (Samsara)
  • Karma
    Good or bad actions that affect future reincarnations
  • Moksha
    Release from the cycle of Samsara, becoming one with Brahman
  • Good karma

    Improves future reincarnations
  • Suffering
    Caused by bad karma from previous lives and/or poor choices