The Effects of Industrial Capitalism

Cards (4)

  • What were the two effects of industrial capitalism?
    The two effects of industrial capitalism were:
    1. Gender stratification of labour in middle and upper classes.
    2. Poor women forced to join the labour force did not reflect middle class ideals of womanhood.
  • What were the implications of gender stratification of labour?
    The implications of gender stratification of labour is:
    • Men's positions in paid labour force made them objects of formal legal regulation.
    • Women's near exclusion from paid labour made them subjects of informal social controls.
  • What did women's near exclusion from the paid labour force do to them? What emerged from this?
    Women's near exclusion from the paid labour force intensified regulation of women's reproductive roles and increased female economic dependency on men. This led to the ideology of separate spheres.
  • What happened to poor women who had to join the labour force and were not able to conform to middle-class ideals of womanhood?
    Poor women who had to join the labour force were subjected to formal legal regulation. This was because they were held to a higher moral standard. They were seen as violating norms as, at the time, the only acceptable vocation was motherhood. This deepened the divide between upper and lower classes.