OCR law - assault

Cards (5)

  • what is assault?
    an act which causes the victim to apprehend the infliction of immediate, unlawful force
    the d either intends to cause another to fear immediate unlawful personal violence or is reckless as to whether such fear is caused
  • what is AR of assault?
    an act
    which causes the v to apprehend the infliction of immediate, unlawful force
  • "an act"

    an assault requires some positive act (not an omission) including words either verbal or written- r v Constanza
    spitting- r v misalati
    silent phone calls- r v Ireland
  • "apprehend immediate unlawful force"

    "unlawful": if it is lawful there is no defnce
    "immediate":must be imminent- smith v chief superintendent of woking police station
  • MR for assault
    intention to cause another to fear immediate unlawful personal violence
    subjective recklessness was to whether such fear is caused