The likely target audience is increasingly affluent, lower-middle class women being appealed to because of their supposed need for innovative domestic technologies and products
The Tide advert aims to cultivate the ideas that this is the brand leader, nothing else washes to the same standard, it's a desirable product for its female audience, and its "miracle" claims are an innovation for the domestic washing market
Use of the RWB colours encourage patriotic ideologies and increase appeal especially in postwar USA
Woman given stereotypical "clueless" look which connotes low intelligence - appeals to men
Print advert uses 'American dream' symbolism, such as the nuclear family to appeal to the middle class US population post war
Rule of thirds is applied, alongside 'zlinecomposition' - information in ever segment - this is done as it is a new product and people didn't know much about it
Use of Brightred and bold lettering throughout is a hard sell tactic to make the product and the key information stick in the readers minds and to make the product stand out from the crowd
Strong patriarchal ideologies are presented in the print such as in the cartoon (stereotypical of the time) where the women are filling the stereotypical 'happyhousewife' role and this increases the appeal as these women can act as rolemodels to the readers