Represent equity interest, represented by certificates of share capital or potential share capital, in other corporate entities
Reasons for purchasing share capital of other companies
As temporary placements of excess cash and held primarily for sale in the near term to generate income on short-term price fluctuations
To obtain long-term customer or supplier or creditor relationship to secure certain operating or financing arrangements with these companies
To exercise significant influence or control over the operating policies of another entity
Classification of equity securities
Equity investments at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL)
Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (OCI)
Investment in associate or investment in joint venture
Investment in subsidiaries
Trading equity securities
Designated as at fair value through profit or loss
Non-trading equity securities
Investor makes an irrevocable choice at the date of initial recognition (upon purchase) whether to measure the equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income or at fair value through profit or loss