Minority Influence

    Cards (11)

    • What is minority influence?

      Refers to how one person or a small group can influencd other to adopt their beliefs
      - leads to conversion & private changes in behaviour
    • What 3 factors is minority influence influenced by?
      - consistency
      - commitment
      - flexibility
    • When is consistency needed in minority influence?
      - when minority is consistent w their msg. Involves synchronic consistency & diachronic consistency
    • What is synchronic consistency?

      all members of minority say the same thing
    • What is diachronic consistency?
      Where the minority maintains the same beliefs & behaviours over time
    • When could consistency be a bad thing, why is it important to show flexibility?
      could b counter-productive if it is seen by the majority as unbending & unreasonable - minority should show flexibility by accepting possibility of compromise
    • When is commitment important in minority influence?
      - minority demonstrates commitment to their cause/ views e.g making personal sacrifices
      - this is effective as it shows that minority is not acting out of self-interest & helps bring attention
    • What is one strength of consistency?
      - evidence : Moscovici et al.
      - blue-green slide study
      - significantly more ppl converted to minority when consistent - 8.42% pps converted
      - inconsistent condition - 1.25%
      - suggests presenting consistent view is essential for minority influence
    • What is one limitation of consistency?
      - low rates of conversion
      - 8.42% low enough that MI consistently may not b useful explanation
      - further experiment - pps had to write answers down. Those who had been exposed to consistent minority showed a perpetual shift
      - suggests that although members of majority may have been reluctant publicly admit their conversion, they had privately altered their opinion
      - Moscovici's research may still b applicable
    • What is one limitation of the task?
      - highly artificial & not representative of minority influence irl
      - lack mundane realism
      - real-life situations more likely for their to b significant consequences to beliefs & behaviours - e.g jury decision-making
      - this means that research findings lack ecological validity as they r not applicable to real life situations
    • What is the snowball effect?

      the more number of people that are converting to a minority position. The faster the rate of conversion happens.
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