Minority influence

Subdecks (2)

Cards (29)

  • What are the three main processes in minority influence?
    Consistency, commitment and flexibility
  • What is minority influence?
    Where one person or a small group influences the beliefs/behaviour of the majority
  • What is minority influence likely to lead to?
  • Who first studied minority influence?
  • What is consistency?
    The minority must be consistent in their views
  • What are the two forms of consistency?
    Synchronic consistency, diachronic consistency
  • What is synchronic consistency?
    Agreement between people in the minority group
  • What is diachronic consistency?
    Consistency over time
  • What is the effect of a consistent minority?
    Makes others rethink their own views
  • What is commitment?
    Minority must demonstrate commitment to their cause or views
  • How might minorities show commitment?
    Engaging in extreme activities that present some risk to them
  • What is the effect of the minority showing commitment?
    The majority then pay more attention (Augmentation principle)
  • What is flexibility?
    Minority adapts their POV and accepts reasonable and valid counterarguments
  • What did Nemeth argue about a minority that is consistent?
    Can be seen as rigid, unbending and dogmatic
  • What is the effect of all three processes in minority influence?
    Makes people think more deeply about it
  • What is the snowball effect?
    Where increasing numbers of people switch from the majority to minority
  • What gradually happens with the snowball effect?
    The minority view becomes the majority
  • What is deeper processing?
    Where the majority thinks deeply about the minority view because its new and is consistent, committed and flexible