Social change

Subdecks (1)

Cards (22)

  • What are the 6 steps in how minority influence creates social change?
    1 . Drawing attention
    2 . Consistency
    3 . Deeper processing
    4 . Augmentation principle
    5 . Snowball effect
    6 . Social crytomnesia
  • What is a real-world example of where minority influence created social change?
    African-American civil rights movement
  • How did Asch show social change through conformity?
    Dissent - one confederate gave correct answers; breaking the power of the majority, encouraging others to do so and leading to social change
  • How do environmental and health campaigns create social change through conformity?
    Normative social influence - drawing attention to what the majority are doing
  • How did Zimbardo suggest obedience can be used to create social change?
    Gradual commitment - once a small instruction is obeyed it becomes difficult to resist a bigger one
  • How did Milgram show disobedience can create social change?
    Confederate teacher refuses to shock learner, obedience in genuine participants decreased
  • What is the first stage of social change from minority influence?
    Drawing attention
  • What is the second stage of social change from minority influence?
  • What is the third stage of social change from minority influence?
    Deeper processing
  • What is the fourth stage of social change from minority influence?
    Augmentation principle
  • What is the fifth stage of social change from minority influence?
    Snowball effect
  • What is the sixth stage of social change from minority influence?
    Social cryptomnesia
  • How does "Drawing attention" create social change?
    Draws attention to the situation through social proof
  • How does "Consistency" create social change?
    Sticks with people
  • How does "Deeper processing" create social change?
    People think more deeply about it
  • How does the "Augmentation principle" create social change?
    Increasing personal risk reinforces a message
  • How does the "Snowball effect" create social change?
    More people backing the minority means the majority will listen
  • How does "Social cryptomnesia" show social change has happened?
    People understand change has occurred but have no memory of how