AO3: Social change

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support for normative influence

    What? Research shows social influence processes based on psychological research works
    Who? Nolan et al. - Decreased energy usage by saying the majority was trying to reduce it
    Why? Shows conformity can lead to social change (via normative social influence) - valid explanation
  • Counterpoint: Research support for normative influences
    What? Behaviour not always changed via. exposition to social norms
    Who? Foxcroft et al. - Social norms approach used to reduce student alcohol use; small reduction in quantity and no effect on frequency
    Why? Normative influence doesn't always produce long-term change
  • Strength: Minority influence explains change
    What? Explains how minority influence brings social change
    Who? Nemeth: Social change due to type of thinking minorities inspire - When considering minority arguments, people think broader; creates better decisions/creative solutions to social issues
    Why? Shows dissenting minorities are valuable
  • Limitation: Role of deeper processing
    What? Deeper processing mightn't play a role in how minorities create social change
    Who? Mackie - Conformity creates deeper processing if you don't share their views
    Why? Doubts validity of minority influence as explanation for social change