topic 2

Cards (37)

  • this refers to the different stages a product goes through from introduction to withdrawal
    product life cycle
  • this begins at a product's first appearance in the market, when sales start at zero and profits are negative
  • the more _ the firm, the more likely it will be to launch innovative, _ products
  • this is where sales rise rapidly. the profits reach a peak, then they start to decline.
  • this is when the product reaches peak market penetration.
  • this is where sales fall rapidly and the marketers consider pruning items from the product line to eliminate those that are no longer earning a profit
  • true or false. an entire marketing channel may be eliminated if it does not contribute adequately to profits.
  • true or false. as product declines, the marketing manager has high options during the decline stage
  • the marketing manager has to _ or _ during decline stage
    postpone the decline, accept the inevitability
  • a company divesting approach _ all marketing support from the declining product
  • they are the last to adopt a new product, are oriented towards the new products and suspicious of it.
  • the consumer examines, tests, or tries the product in this process
    product trial
  • they choose new products carefully and are viewed as the people to check with
    early adopters
  • they are the first to adopt a new product
  • the process where consumer seeks information and is receptive to learning about the product
    product interest
  • the consumer purchases the products and decides to make full and regular use of it
    product adoption
  • the consumer considers the product's benefits and decides whether to try it.
    product evaluation
  • they adopt a new product just prior to the average person. they are deliberate and cautious
    early majority
  • the consumer becomes aware of the product and leads to interest
    product awareness
  • they are quite skeptical of the new products but eventually adopt them because of pressure
    late majority
  • true or false. most often, companies fail to offer unique benefits
  • an important element in the new-product development process is continued evaluation of a new idea's likely _ and _
    profitability, return on investment
  • _ must be aware of the new product's features, uses, and advantages
    potential buyers
  • stage. as sales increase, management must support the momentum by adjusting the marketing strategy.
  • stage. marketing strat should be designed to attract the segment that is most interested in the product
  • in _stage. marketers must make sure the _ is running efficiently so that customers orders are processed accurately.
    growth, physical distribution
  • _ and _ helps the product to increase sales.
    advertising, word of mouth
  • this stage is characterized by intense competition in the market
  • during _ phase, the producers who remain in the market are like to change their _ and _ efforts.
    maturity, promotional, distribution
  • what is typical during maturity stage?
    advertising and dealer-oriented promotions
  • the adoption process is the _ through which an individual passes
    mental process
  • stage. spending on promotion efforts is usually reduced considerable.
  • usually, a _ has lost its distinctiveness because similar competing products have been introduced.
    declining product
  • marketers of _ sometimes spend distribution into global markets.
    mature product
  • this is essential for recouping the initial investment
    generate cash flow
  • share of customers relates to the percentage of each customer's needs that the firm is meeting.
    increase share of customer
  • companies with marginal market share must decide whether they have a reasonable chance to improve their position or whether they should just drop out
    maintain share of market