Research on C-D forgetting

Cards (11)

  • What were the four conditions in Godden and Baddeley's study?
    1 . Learn on land -> recall on land
    2 . Learn on land -> recall underwater
    3 . Learn underwater -> recall on land
    4. Learn underwater -> recall underwater
  • Who did Godden and Baddeley study?
    Deep-sea divers
  • What were the divers asked to do in Godden and Baddeley's study?
    Learn a list of words either underwater or on land and were asked to recall them either underwater or on land
  • How much lower was recall when environments of learning and recall didn't match in Godden and Baddeley's study?
  • When was recall lower in Godden and Baddeley's study?
    When the environments of learning and recall didn't match
  • What did Godden and Baddeley conclude?
    Retrieval failure occurs when external cues at learning are different to those at recall
  • Who did research into context-dependent forgetting?
    Godden and Baddeley
  • Who found smell can act as a context-related cue?
  • What did Waskett find could act as a context-dependent cue?
  • Who found chewing gum is a context-dependent cue and can improve recall?
    Baker et al.
  • What did Baker et al. find was a context-dependent cue and can improve recall?