Retrieval faliure

Subdecks (3)

Cards (32)

  • When are associated cues stored with information?
    At the same time
  • What is retrieval failure?
    When we don't have the necessary cues to access memory
  • Who proposed the encoding specificity principle?
  • What does the encoding principle say a cue must be?
    1 . Present at retrieval
    2 . Present at retrieval
  • What will happen if the cues available at encoding and retrieval are different/absent at retrieval?
    Will be some forgetting
  • Some cues are encoded at the time of learning in a meaningful way, others are encoded in a non-meaningful way
  • What are the two types of non-meaningful cues?
    1 . Context-dependent forgetting
    2 . State-dependent fogetting
  • What is context-dependent forgetting?
    Recall depends on external cue
  • What is state-dependent forgetting?
    Recall depends on internal cue
  • Who did research into context-dependent forgetting?
    Godden and Baddeley
  • Who did research into state-dependent forgetting?
    Carter and Cassaday
  • When does retrieval failure suggest forgetting will occur
    When contexts of learning and recall are different