Retrieval failure: AO3

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Can help overcome some forgetting in everyday situations
    Who? Baddeley - worth making the effort to recall the environment you learnt the information in
    Why? Reminds us of real-world strategies to improve recall
  • Strength: Research support
    What? Range of research support
    Who? Godden & Baddeley/Carter & Cassaday - lack of relevant cues can lead to context/state dependent forgetting + Eysenck & Keane - retrieval failure main reason for forgetting in LTM
    Why? Shows it occurs in real-world situations
  • Counterpoint: Research support
    What? Context effects not strong
    Who? Baddeley - Environments need to be very different
    Why? Retrieval failure due to lack of context cues doesn't explain much forgetting
  • Limitation: Recall VS recognition
    What? Context effects may depend on type of memory being tested
    Who? Godden and Baddeley - replicated underwater study; recognition tested & no context-dependent effect
    Why? Limited explanation