Gibberellins are a type of plant growth regulator involved in controlling seed germination and stem elongation
hen barley seed is shed from mparent plant, it is in a state of dormancy (little water, metabolically inactive)
allows seeds to survive harsh conditions until conditions are right for germination
A barley seed contains:
Embryo: Grow into new plants when germinate
Endosperm: starch containing energy store surrounding the embryo
Aleurone layer: protien rich layer outer edge of endosperm
When conditions are right, barley seed starts to absorb water to begin germination
stimulates the embryo to produce gibberellins
Gebberellin molecules diffuse into the Aleurone layer and stimuulate the cells there to synthesize the enzyme Amylase
in Barley seeds, shown that gibberellin does this by regulating genes involved in the synthesis of Anylase, causing increase in the transcription of mRNA coding for amylase