Integumentary - to guard the body's physical and biochemical integrity, maintain a constant body temperature and provide sensory information about the surrounding environment.
Skeletal - serves as a framework of a human body
Muscular - provides movements for bones and internal organs
Digestive - breaks down food into much smaller particles to make its complex form simple and soluble for the use of the body.
Circulatory - delivers food and oxygen to the cell and picks up the cell waste materials and carbon dioxide
Lymphatic - circulates lymph or tissue fluid around all body cells
Respiratory - oxidizes food by living cells; transport of oxygen to the body cells: exchange of gases between blood and lungs
Excretory - removes waste materials from the body
Nervous - carry impulses to nerve centers and back to the tissues and organs
Endocrine - regulates the activities of many processes of the body
Reproductive - contains male and female sex organs and its role in reproduction
Immune - protects against disease, identifies, and kills the pathogens and tumor cells.